Salad Smorgasbord 9-23-8581-i 11 a lac. moriat-sLctc' Pl. roo the sm6rg_ ' d MAIM& 4�ernen 1:A+her�an 6.c6afreasc I.• Mendel �l. S�I,walberg, M aHobn,, T. 6oUer� p.GJaaham, 7. Flotte�I*,. Emer'san University . Women Elect President The North Palm Beach Branch of the American Association of University Women has elected Anne Fitz- patrick of Jupiter presi- dent for 1985 - 87. Other 4 new officers are Ellen, Finnerty, program vice- president; Molly Cleare, membership vice- president; Ann Hut- chings, recording' secretary; Marion Knapp, corresponding secretary; and Sue Slone, treasurer. Retired president Judy Pierman has been appointed liaison officer between the Branch and State AAUW. Thelma Obert, one of the founders of the NPB- AAUW, has been honored with the establishment of the Thelma Obert Educa-1 tional Fund. Mrs. Obert is currently Branch Parliamentarian. Noif ?. Obe�k� ?. Pier mangy Robin ........_...... - -- -------- D.S��'es - �: F0 NPB AMERICAN ASSOCIA- TION OF UNIVERSITY WONIEN The North Palm Beach branch of, the American Association of University Women as its first meeting of the year plans a salad smorgasbord Monday, Sep- tember 23 at 6:30 p.m. at the Palm Beach Gardens Commu- nity Center. Anne Fitzpatrick, president, will present an overviewof branch programs and study groups. Prospective members are cordially invited.For informa- tion. cvatt. Leona Malone, � 747 -0439; -.,Or Molly Cleare, 626-6725. Beginning its 27th year, the North Palm Beach branch of the AAUW has played an active community role with the public schools and the public libraries. Recently the branch established the Thelma Obert Research and Projects en- dowment. Monies from this endowment are for scholar- ships or local community projects. Mrs. Obert is a founder of the North Palm Beach branch and a former president of the organization. She currently serves as branch parliamentarian and historian. Active in the establishment of the North Palm Beach Public Library, Mrs. Obert continues to serve on the Library Advisory_ ,_ mmittee. Branch officers for 1985-86 are Anne Fitzpatrick, presli- dent; Ellen Finnerty, program vice president; Molly Cleare, membership vice president; Ann Hutchins, recording secretary; Marion Knapp, corresponding secretary; Sue Slone, treasurer. 9//��'S'