NPB branch of AAUE honors founder (WD) July 1985t
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The North P
,r Wlm
Beach hB
Branch rch
wishes to ask
AAUVBranches to channel
their undesignated EFP funds for the
Association la$
n to
Thelma ln
Obert rt Fesearch &
Projects Endowment.
_seven ears ago Thelma Obert was one of the founders of the NPB
Twenty y g
served as resident and in other Branch offices, she has through
Branch. Having p Branch
. l
with wisdom and good will. She is current y
the years guided the Branch
his1:)rian and parliamentarian.
A graduate of Dickinson College and New York. University, Thelma taught
school a o
number f ears before coming to Florida with ber husband, Dr. Edwin
Obert. Amon her community activities Thelma worked long and hard to create
and establish the North Palm Beach Public ?ibary and she continues to serve on the
library board.
The NPB Branch will appreciate te
your remembering this
grand lad
and ver
AAU'W member. Belly Moore, P. 1. Chair
NPB Branch
1037 Marina Dr . ,
North Palm Beach, FL 33403
(305) 626-5794
No'rth C?
Thel ma Obert,N X i V[SiOP70
In honor of Thelma Obert the North Palm Beach Branch has established the
Thelma Obert Research ` nd Projects Endowment. One of the Branch founders
an€i the second president,-.7helma Obert has served the Branch in many capacities
during its twenty-six years. Of outstanding value were her efforts and relentless
work in the organization of the North Palm Beach Library Association which
evolved into the North Palm Beach Public Library. She has Conti,.A 51ed . to serve
the, community as a member of the Library Board Commission.
Thelma Obert is currently historian and parliamentarian of the North Palm
Beach Branch.
Named hon-orees to the Thelma Obert R & P Endowment are JudJj Pierman,
Jane Havill and Betty &F,ore. Judy Pierman just retired as a two -term (four
years:) )resident of the NPB Branch and is presently Division Liaison and a mem-
ber of ~he -Division Task 1:orce dealing with leadership and the succession of of-
fivers. Jane Havill, alsoa* former Branch president, is chairman of the study
group Women in Literature. Betty Moore is editor of the Branch bulletin.
Branches which have not as yet established their own EFP funds are invited to
channel such monies to the Thelma Obert Research & Projects Endowment.
Betty Moore, P. I. Chair
1037 Marina Dr.
North Palm Beach, FL 33408,
NPB Branch. American Association of University
Women Meeting. A panel discussion of women's
work and women's worth will be featured.
Panelists are Barbara Somerville, journalist; Robin
Bernstein, executive secretary; and Linda Werner,
psychiatrist. Public invited. Reservations re-
quired. Nov. 18 at 8 u.rr:n NPB Public Library, 303
Anchorage Drive, North Palm Beach. 626-5794.
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The North Palm Beach
is an
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Association of University it
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omen honors d Thelma
Obert of North, Palm Beach,
L -Tie of the founders of pie
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nleetin of s�:asonr
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illelma. Ober" S�,holar P
Fund, part of the AAUW's
National Education Founda-
tion, has been established
with a grant of $51,000 by the
Through its twenty-six years.......................
ped the
M �a•s . Obert ert� has served r
branch in many capabilities......
including president. She is
presently parliamentarian and .
honored by the North. Palm
historian. Working with the
Beach branch of the American
AAVW Library Society, Thel-
Association of University
M. Obert. was instrumental in
Women at the organization's
rhe creation of the North Palm
final meeting of the seas®n
Beach Library and has
recently and a scholarship ;
continued to take an active
fwd was established in. her
interest in the village library.
She currently serves on the
I North Palm Peach Library
group. Betty Moore is editor of
�'�divsory Commissioi .
the branch bulletin..
Gifts to the Thi a
The . North , Palm Beach
Fund were also- arced ire
branch of, the AaLTW meets
onor of .fame Havill and Betty
. the third Monday of the mo th
V1001:;:. Jame Havill is a former
and .welcomes all woiT➢en
bran,: h president and is the .college
and university gi`ad-
Cii1• •( ' t. el an , of theeiates.
For membership infc)r-
W Fl.rie ,r tore study
mation, call Molly Clears a _
Branch o, yrs for 1g5-8�
are.: president, Anne
Fitzpatrick; program vice
president, Ellen Finnerty;
membership vice president,
Molly Cleare; recording " se-
cretary, Ann Hutchins; cor-
responding tecretary, Marion
Knapp; and. treasurer, Sue
�liit�P _
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fn t. act
PRG CHAMBER OF COMIIERCE's first scholarship was awarded
School honor roll student Kathleen O' Rawe at a coffee given bpi
Wednesday. Kathleen plans to study Physical Therapy and Dance TI
Beach Atlantic College. Kathleen could not attend the coffee bet
undergoing college testing. Her parents [right] accepted the $500 away
National Batik on her behalf from Lou Gata [left].