Judy Pierman elected to NPB Village Council 3-11-86ask ranch
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5913 7agle's A',est Drive
Jupiter, FL 33458
April 69 1986
Florida Division �Iominat ing Committee
Kathee, Wehrl i
P. G. Box 1840
Lake City, FL 3205'
Dear Kathee s
1 am writing on behalf of the North Palm Beach Branch in
support of the nomination of Judy Pierman for Division Program
Vice Presidents
Judy moved to North Palm Beach eleven years ago and joined our
Branch shortly afterward. She has been active ever since,
serving as chairman of the Committee on Women, Program Vice
President and as our first two term President . As committee on
Women Chair, she established a study group called "New Women",
which became so large and popular that it had to be split
into two groups.
Under Judy's leadership # the Branch became involved in a variety
of cultural and educational activities:
-Launched a string quartet which now has a regular
concert series
-Hosted African educators
-Presented a public forum for political candidates
Pre -stinted historical programs
Judy was the first president of our Branch to attend Division
and Interbranch functions on a regular basis. That has resulted
In a continuing tradition for Judy and other members as well.
She recently served' -the Division as a member of the Leadership
Development Task Forces She has shown a steady interest in and
support of AAUW and last year became a Life Members
The Branch has twice named Judy an vFP named honoree. The Palm
Beach County Commission on the Status of Women has recognized
her with its outstanding Woman Awards
Judy Pierman is creative, well -organized and a delight to work
with. She Is an "idea" person and well-suited to serve as
Division Program Vice President.
Anne F. Fitzpa ick
President, North Palm Beach