Holiday Party 12-14-87. L71
EME rI1 r yy ys"�
E American Association of
University Women, North Palm
Beach Branch, will meet Monday
161 at 7:30 p.m. in the Crafter's Nest,
4266 Northlake Blvd., Palm Beach
Gardens. Entertainment and
refreshments will beprovided.
The public is invited. For more
information call Ann at 626-1624.
Treats, entertainment and a gala
holiday atmosphere await mem-
bers of the American Association
of University Women, North Palm
Beach chapter, at their meeting
At least that's what the commit-
tee for the evening, and hostess of
the day Ann Moore, have in mind.
The group is moving f rom its
regular quarters in the North Palm
Beach Library and will conduct
this merriment at the Crafter's
Nest, 4266 Northlake Blvd., which
is in Palm Beach Gardens Square
just west of 1-95.
Visitors, friends and prospective
members are welcome. The gavel
falls at 7:30 p.m. Come early and
Serving on the committee for the
meeting are Jo Tignor, Sally Bai-
ley, Jean Boller, Molly Cleare, El-
len Finnerty, Mary Haesche, Betty
Moore and Jane Seifert. Many
hands make light work.
by Betty Moore, P.11. Chair
The Nort' Palm 0�eac' Cound' has
I r, b ri I
dedicated the Public, 'LJO/rary!s .meeting
room to Inelma U 1 4 -
and her
husband, t1he iate Dr. J. 17_61,,vin Obert.
Both 71--,,eima and, h e r ih. u sb a n C11
contributed to the betterment of the
community, especial1w in wor'kking-Tor
the establishment of the Public library.
T pelma, as a -founder and charter
member of the North Pan Beach
Branch of AAUW., Jhas continued
take an act;ve part
th-,tough the years .0
An the branch, serving in many
Capacities, inc l;ding president. She is
�ane� Civis�mds
�avillo�, /3Fav�-
currentiv historian. Yd rt V(Sr�5, 1* JA In na rr
Picture taken at the dedication of the Obert Meeti
Room. Left: Thelma Obert, right: Sue Stone, NFB bran