High School Senior Recognition Night 4-18-88THE PALM BEACH POST SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 1988 13F ,NAMES AND FACES, BY MARILYN MOORE Candlelight . ceremony honors young scholars A symbolic "light of knowledge" will be passed to a group of out- standing young women by mem- bers of the North Palm. Beach branch of the American Associa- tion of University Women Monday evening. The candlelight ceremony, signi- f ying the lifelong quest for the light of knowledge, is part of the group's High School Seniors' Recognition Night, a traditional event for the u iiversity women. It takes place at 8 p.m. in the Obert Room of the North Palm AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN Beach Village Library, 303 S. An- chorage Drive. This year's seniors, chosen by NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH their schools based on achievement in academics; school and communi- ty activities, include Sharilyn Ruth Loney of Jupiter Christian School; Jennifer Loeffler, Jupiter High Ion School; Stacey E. Beaulieu, Palm Beach Gardens High School; Julianna Rybka, King's Acade- my; Angela Dickerson, North Shore High School; Tracy Trescott Mur- phy, Cardinal Newman High School; Catherine DiMare, The Benjamin School; and Victoria Broussard, Suncoast High School. Freddie Jefferson, chairman of i Division 1, Humanities Depart- ment, Palm Beach Junior College North, will be guest speaker. Each honored senior will be pre- HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR RECOGNITION sented with a collegiate dictionary inscribed with her name. Parents Monday, April 18, 1988 and friends of the honorees will be 80-00 P.M. special guests. Chairman for the evening is Mar- ion Knapp. Jane Seifert will assist. Refreshments will be served NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY with the help of the association's osnitality committee for the eve - 98 1 Speaker Mrs,, Freddie Jefferson luejo Palm Beach Junior College 0 American Association of University Women, North Palm Beach Branch, meets Monday af 8 p.m. at the North Palm Beach Library, in the Obert Meeting Room, 303 S. Anchorage Drive, North Palm Beach. For more information call Marion at 626-- 0677. .��ah shoal �eruor Rcco�r��en ��qh� THE PALM BEACH POST SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 1988 13F N�ORTN PalM BEACH COUNTY LlYiti6 X BY MARILYN MOORE • an e i ce em 0n ®n® s oun seo ar.sI. A symbolic "light of knowledge" will be passed to a group of out- standing young women by mem- bers of the North Palm Beach I branch of the American Associa- tion of University Women Monday evening. The candlelight ceremony, signi- f.ying the lifelong quest for the light of knowledge, is part of the group's High School Seniors' Recognition Night, a traditional event for the u -iiversity women. It takes place at 8 p.m. in the A A A Obert Room of the North Palm AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN Beach village Library, 303 S. An- chorage Drive. This year's seniors, chosen by th(Ar schools based on achievement in academics; school and communi- ty activities, include Sharilyn Ruth Loney of Jupiter Christian School; Jennifer Loeffler, Jupiter High School; Stacey E. Beaulieu, Palm Beach Gardens High School; Julianna Rybka, King's Acade- my; Angela Dickerson, North Shore High School; Tracy Trescott Mur- phy, Cardinal Newman High School; Catherine DiMare, The Benjamin School; and Victoria Broussard, Suncoast High School. Freddie Jefferson, chairman of Division 1, Humanities Depart- ment, Palm Beach Junior College North, will be guest speaker. Each honored senior will be pre- sented with a collegiate dictionary inscribed with her name. Parents and friends of the honorees will be special guests. Chairman for the evening is Mar- ion Knapp. Jane Seifert will assist. Refreshments will be served with the help of the association's hospitality committee for the eve- ning: Chairman Anne Fitzpatrick and Marion Axley, Nancy Benja- min, LaRue Dahlberg, Irene Gray, Jane Havill and Emily Lain. Next on the calendar for the North Palm Beach group will be an Interbranch Council luncheon meeting April 24. The Palm Beach County branch is host of the afternoon at Plata Grande, 1225 Belvedere Road. The proceedings begin at noon. Those who with to attend are asked to call North Branch president, Sue Slone, 626-0119. p.m. at the lNortli Palm Beach Library, in the Obert Meeting Room, 303 S. Anchorage Drive, North Palm Beach. For more information call Marion at 626- 0677. NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR RECOGNITION Monday, April 18, 1988 80,- 00 P.M. Obert Meeting Room NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY Speaker Mrs,, Freddie Jeffers®n Palm Beach Juni®r College imh "01 l��qh� THE PALM BEACH POST SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 1988 13F H P4UVI BEACH COUNTY LIVING gn ,nr 0 an e i t ceremon onors oun se o ars A symbolic "light of knowledge" will be passed to a group of out- standing young women by mem- bers of the North Palm Beach branch of the American Associa- AA 0 W T WNT 'R Ar I THE NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN IS PLEASED TO HONOR OUTSTANDING HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR WOMEN WITH HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND LEADERSHIP IN THEIR RESPECTIVE SCHOOLS. STACEY E. BEAULIEU Palm Beach Gardens National Ilerit Finalist PRIDE w' inner, Science Presidential Scholar Semifinalist 1st place calculus team - Miami State Invit- ational VICTORIA BROUSSARD Business skills French student Suncoast SUSAN BUSHNELL Rosarian Academy First inhher class National Honor Society Recipient -, Rosarian Academy Honor Society Scholarship Rosarian Academy Academic Sch- olarship ANGELA DICKERSON' North Shore Ranked #1 in her class Land President, SADD 14inner NPB Essay competition "What the Con- stitution Means to Me" CATHERIrlE Di DARE Benjamin National Honor Society National Art Society Artistic talent received awards locally and state level 7 JENNIFER LOEFFLER Jupiter National Honor Society Sand, 4 years 11. SO Anatomy & Physiology Honors, 1987 SHARILYN RUTH LONEY Jupiter Christian H. S. Choral Ensemble H. S. Choir Volleyball and Basketball teams TRACEY 'MURPHY Cardinal Newman Editor, School Newspaper Mt. Holyoke reginal essay contest, 2nd place Participant Cornell University's outstanding high school student's Sumer School JULIE RYBKA King's Academy Ranked 5th in class Ranked #1 tennis player at school National Honor Society Lead in school play President, Christian Club rs' hot, (1[Af n i I Fr&dj1e&ft, �rfeoWermri, Cwa es+ Spa &r 19 1 Ra N ! Ofto OW d 0 0 0 0 You are cordially i49 nvited to an C(:O AAUW social andplanning afternoon. It will beheld Sunda2y �r�'� =D from 2 — 4p.m. at the home of q, Sue Slone 4211 Larch Avenue � Palm Beach Gardens RSVP 626-0119 626-6725 (Sue) (Molly) DI ....... ..... C• � � � t► � cCC� Worth Cou l 1UT L J �el, 490 d► Ame�-ic.an Association of University Women NP13 At Branch will hold an installation dinner meeting Monday, May 16, 6:30 p.m. at the Hilton, Singer Island. Watson Duncan 111 will be guest speaker. For reservations, call Anne 746-8676. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 University Women, May 16 The North Palm Beach Branch of the American Associ- ation of University Women will have a dinner meeting Monday, May 16, 6:30 p.m. at the Hilton, Singer Island. Guest speaker will be Watson Duncan III. For reservations, call Anne Fitzpatrick, 746=5676. ® American Association of University Women, North Palm Beach Brand, will hold its dinner meeting and installation of officers Monday at 6:30 p.m. at the Singer Island Hilton. For more information call 746-6676. .Dr.