Group's meeting to feature 'Miraculous Benefits' skit (PBP) 1-22-894F THE PALM BEACH POST SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1989 NAMES AND FACES �' "� BY MARILYN MOORE .......... . -E roup s meeti*nt! to feature frac on enefits skit Of f to a f as't start, members of the American Association of Uni- versity Women North Palm Beach Branch, have slowed member Vir- ginia Francis down long enough to convince her to present a skit at the group's general meeting Monday. Francis, a world traveler who favors freighter trips — which keep her away from hone quite a bit, is a charter member of the Friends of the AAUW Educational Foundation. And she did find time to attend the foundation's 100th anniversary celebration in Wash- ingto.1,-, this past summer. Drawing on that experience, she has titled her presentation "Mi- raculous Benefits," and she is ex- pected to discuss grants that are made -by the Educational Founda- tion and how local AAUW branches as well as individuals might apply for the aid. The meeting will be at 8 p.m. in the Obert Room of the North Palm Beach library, 303 Anchorage Drive, North Palm Beach. Serving on the hospitality committee are Mary Jo Barnett, Bernice Bever - stein, Clare Heibel, Betf- Moore and Helei,,, Shick. Sue Slone is president of the branch and prospective members, or those wishing to attend the meet- ing can call her, 626-0119 for more inf ormation. Next activity for the local AAUW will be the group's 30th birthday party, Feb. 4. Jean Atherton and Lea Cloyed are co-chairmen and have made arrangements for the luncheon at I Jonathan's Landing Club House. The party hats will be passed around at 11:30 a.m., the cocktail hour, with luncheon set for 12:30 p.m. Tickets are $15, available at the Monday meeting, or by calling Ath- erton at 744-2166, or Cloyed at 747- 7212. Reservations must be made before Jan. 31. The luncheon, guests will pay special tribute to founders of the North Palm Beach Branch: Dorit Berry, Kay Hart, Thelma Obert, Patricia Sharp and Virginia Thom- as. fork � 1e� Trr�e �r4u p of i.6roersfeiri, A. PionG)alkr, 6#Fond-, 5 AAUW -- NPB BRANCH -- CALI!24DAR LEC .12 HOLIDAY MEETING - Ann Moore *s 7 Halidan Ct, PBG 8 pm Left off PGA Blvd at Ryders Cup Dr., 2nd Main entrance of PGA; lef t at 3rd street, Hal idan Ct, 3rd house on left 626-1634 Mus i c by John Shea Bring an xinwrapped child's gift or wrappings for the Tammy Tuck Wrapathon. JAN. 4 BOARD MEETING Marion Knapp's,137 Seashore Dr. 7:30 pm The Bluffs, Jupiter, 575-4779 JAN. 9 INTERNATRIONAL RELATIONS -- Jean Atherton"s 8 pm 1 71 66 Waterbend Dr . #209 , Jupiter JAN .16 TRAVEL GROUP Jean Atherton's 8 pm 17166 Waterbend Dr.#209,Jupiter JAN .23 G�dERAL MEETING Virginia Francis, speaker 8 pm NPB Library JAN.30 WOMEN IN LIT Maybelle Davie's 1101 Country 8 pm Club Dr,, NPB. 626-740--k Authors-. Nadine Gordner & Helen Hunt Jackson HAPPY HOL I DAYS!