General Meeting January 1986 Harriette Glasner guest speakerHARRIETTE GLASNER local "professional volunteer" will be the speaker at the North Palm Beach American Association of University Women's meeting Monday, Jan. 20. The meeting will be at 8 p.m. in the North Palm Beach Village Library. Mrs. Glasner has been instrumental in founding the Urban League, Planned Par- enthood,. the local Unitarian Church, and the League of Women Voters in Palm Beach County. Although Mrs. Glasner recently celebrated 'her. -80th birthday, she has ed the pace of volunteer. of ons for the Jan. 20 meeting, call Molly Cleare, 626-6725. EEK ,%j 9arvte�� �lasner Gues{'S�C'mder —rhe(ma nbe( Discusses EFP