General Meeting 3-16-87 Toby Chabon, speakerC�tnexaI i�ee-��it�.E IY�v, Ib ,19P7
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7"he Palm C3tae4. -POS-t
0 The American Association of
University Women, North Palm
Beach Branch.
will meet Monday
at 8 p.m. at the North Palm Beach,
Library, 303 Anchorage Dr4ve,
North Palm Beach. The guest
speaker, Toby Chabon of Palm
Beach Junior College, will discuss
"Women in Small Business." For
more information, and
reservations, call Ellen at 627 -
OAAUW Americ
Women will meet I
the North Palm B
Toby Chabon of
Small Business. 4
Ellen 627-1361. ! 1h,