General Meeting 'Rush Party' 9-21-87• The NPB Branch of the American Association -ot
University Women has its first meeting of the year,
a Rush Party Monday,
Sept. 21, 8 p.m. V St.
Marks Episcopal Church. For reservations call
626-1654 or 626-6725.'`
■ The North Palm Peach
The North Palm Beach Branch of the
Branch of the American
American Association of University
Association of University Women
Women will hold a "rush" party Monday,
will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at St.
Sept. 21 at 8 p.m. in the St. Marks �
Mark's Episcopal Church, Burns
Episcopal Church on Burns Road in Palle �
Road, Palm Beach Gardens. The
Beach Gardens. All college and
public is invited. For more
university graduates are invited. For e
information and reservations call
reservations call Ann Moore at 626-1634
or Molly Cleare at 626-6725. 4..1(0 _ l
• he NPB Branch of the American Association of
University Women has its
first meeting of the year,
a Bush Party Monday,
Sept. 21, 8 p.m. at St.
Marls Episcopal Church. For reservations call
626-1634 or 626-6725.xT/`1
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