Art at Tea Time 2-15lelmk 61e�,
FEBRUARY 15 'OUR PETS' Speakers from Animal Rescue
8 pm League and Humane Society.
NPB Library Chair: Jane Seifert.
QJ lead h
ei oti
University women, North Palin
Beach Branch, will meet Monday
KaY y Starling
-Roca, y vette Starlin -Foca ex-
Beach Library, 303 Anchorage
ecutive director of the Humane So-
ciety of Greater Jupiter-Tequesta,
The American Association of„,
University womenNorth Palm
” ° r'
' ��- '
and George Hulme executive di -
rector of the Animal fescue
Beach branch, continues its series,
- ��
League, are scheduled to talk about
Art at Tea Time '88, Tuesday. The
'" `` r
their furry friends at a meeting of
the American Association of Uni-
group meets at tea time,
versity women, North Palm Beach
of course,
and that means 4 p.m. d
Kitty Dew is chairman of the � j
r tri
branch, Monday. �
The wo�rren will meet in the
Thelma Obert room of the North' I
series. Betty M®ore 9q! co -hostess
for this social, cultural event at the
Palm Beach Library, 303 Anchor-, ,
age Drive, 8 p.m.
Anchorage Drive home of Thelm' a
Obert in North .halm Beach. ��,
� � ® �
Jane Seifert, association mem- �
_ r
ber who can be found rn ost after-
For more information about the
genteel event call Dew at 747-4698.
= .
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noons at the reception desk at the
humane society clinic in Seaga ape
Scare Jupiter, is
q p chairman for -the
Newcomers can call Seifert, 622
"� --- 5248, for more information.
De+}u Rab�n,S�(er -
® American Association of
University women, North Palin
Beach Branch, will meet Monday
at 7:30 p.m. at the North Palm
Beach Library, 303 Anchorage
Drive., North Palm Beach. For
more information call 622-5248.