Legislative Program 1984 Florida Division AAUW]LEG I 5 LA's I VE PROGRAM 1984 FLORIDA DIVISION Lis Lzi AME'RICAIV ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN Pr?sldent s Dr. Janet Larsen 1305 H.W. 20 Terrace Gainesvit1e, Fl. 32601 Leg i s l a t� -y a Pro ram Chairman e Pa trio la 11ob inson 1#210 Tanglewood North Apt. 295 Palm Beech Gar�den:q, F1. P1110 �.-' 4p Te p tr "tr TI it kv W V -Al.,") _1W Jr It `41 x. kc N Pit 1984 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES Individual- R ights 1. Achieve legal, social, educational and economic equity for all persons,, Community 1. Fund and provide for quality dependent care that meets the 'diverse needs of children and adults in the home or institution including aftet- school care for "latch -key" children. 2. Strike the minimum age requirement from the Displaced Homemaker Law, Fallon+ i nrl Support measures to insure comprehensive family -life, health and sex education in grades K through 12. 2. The Florida Division AAUW further resolves to-suppol, _t Higher graduation require- ments for students includ- ing more credits in math, science and computer literacy. More adequate as well as forward funding for education. Higher salaries and stricter competency requirements for teachers. More emphasis on global education and foreign language", training. Greater emphasis on vocational training and career counseling. Comprehensive health, drug and sex education programs. Better library and media facilities. More parental and community involvement in the educational process. Increased use of volunteers, as needed, by schools. promotion of greater proficiency in comprehension, writing and reading ng of the English lanpruaoe, 3 . Continue efforts to establish a separate Board A P-Aucation for the State of Plori a. The Division also resolves to 1. Support the "women's Vote Campaign" and to publicize the voting record of candidates within their district. 2. Support the princ ipad. of' regulation of handguns to protect the public health, safety and welfare of all citizens, including the regulation of acquisition, transfer and management of handguns and that branches support appropriate legislation at the local level. 3. Endorses the desirability of Protecting children in the dissolution of marriage by encouraging the establishment and utilization of conciliation services in more counties in ]Florida