Celebrating Friends - 1984-1985 Friends of the FoundationCelebrating Friends
The AAUW Educational Foundation
Laura Smiley Miller*
is proud to recognize. the 1984-85
Dr. Julia K. Muller and Mr. Earl
Friends of the Foundation.
K. Shreckengast*
In celebration of its 25th Anniver-
Evelyn Murray
sary in 1983, the Foundation estab-
Claire B. Norton*
lished the Friends of the Foundation
Virginia F. Palmer*
as its first national giving society, to
Anne R. Prange
extend recognition to individuals who
Mary B. Puckett*
demonstrate their commitment to the
Mary Hamilton Purcell*
goals of the Foundation through ma-
Mabel M. Riedinger, M.D.
jor financial support. The Friends of
Sharon Schuster
the Foundation is open to AAUW
Helen Hosp Seamans
members and friends who contribute
Eleanor Shirley
$1,000 or more to the Foundation in
Lonabelle Kaplan (Kappie) Spencer
a given year. 1984-85 was a record
Mindell W. Stein*
year for the Friends, with the following
Carol G. Stull
sixty-six individuals contributing a
Maxine Rustad Thorson*
total of 151 15
Linda Tisdale
The Foundation extends its sincere
Paul and Willie May Turbeville*
appreciation to:
William and Lois Waldorf*
Anonymous (seven contributors)
Vivian Warr
Wanda T. Babcock
Margaret Wasson
Christina Lochman Balk
Louise R. (Betty) Williamson*
Kathleen L. Bernath*
*Charter (1983-84) Members
Dorothy Dempsey Barr
Twenty-two of the 1984-85 Friends
Elizabeth Bock*
participated in AAUW's 33rd Biennial
Dr. Jenny Bramley*
Convention held in Columbus, Ohio,
Dr. Margaret M. Bryant*
where they were honored at a special
Alice W. Church
dinner prior to Foundation Night on
Lois A. Cook
June 25. Joining the Friends for
Ouida W. Dickey
dinner were honored guests Eudora
Marjorie W. Dunaway
Welty, Pulitzer Prize-winning author
Loryann M. Eis
and 1985 AAUW Achievement Award
Thomas K. Ford*
recipient; Dr. Susan Mates, M.D.,
Virginia Francis*
1985 AAUW Recognition Award for
Muriel R. Friedman, M.D.*
Young Scholars recipient; Dr. Dorothy
Esther C. Glendinning*
Salem, 1982-83 American Fellow;
Elna H. Grahn*
Shanta Pandey, 1985-86 Interna -
Cecil and Ida M. Green*
tional Fellow; and Linda Lee Nelson,
Meta M. Haupt
1983-84 Project RENEW Grant
Isabel R. Hedrick
Margaret C. (Peg) Johnson*
The Foundation is confident that
Anna Dale Kek*
the Friends of the Foundation will
Florence A. Keuerleber
continue to expand and evolve as a
Prof. Rose D. Kosches
vital group devoted to sustaining our
Rose Tyson Kinney*
traditions and innovations. For further
Mary E. Lake
information about how you can join
Robert T. Lamkin *
the 1985-86 Friends of the Founda-
C. Geneva Lyman
tion, please contact AAUW Educa-
Elizabeth S. May*
tional Foundation Development
Dr. Burney Mendenhall
Office, 2401 Virginia Avenue, N.W.,
Elizabeth S. and John M. Michaels*
Washington, DC 20037,
Dr. Margaret D. Miller*