Assault Prevention Program (Post) 3-18-84B2—The Post., Sunday, March 18, 1984 N Assault Prevention Program ® The North Palm Beach branch of the Am can sociation-ot.University-Mmmn will host a free program on - -A& iiv;��ntion of Sexual Assault," Monday at 8:15 p.m. at the North Palm Beach Public Library, 303 Anchorage Drive. Gary Forshee, head of security for the Palm Beach County public school system will conduct the program. The Allamanda Guidance Service, and the Association of University W-01nen co-sponsored a continental reakfast for the Parenting Group n The Vo men e- seting eting in March. A panel of profes- o r nals discussed alternatives to tele - j sion viewing by children. The meet - g "Is There Life After g was entitled, V.T� Im (1Q, Ch i (�,S,_* Elementary Schobls Allamanda's computer expert Ja- neen Clinton made a presentation at a parenting meeting to familiarize parents and children with the compu- ters being used at Allamanda Elemen- tary. The meeting was jointly spon- sored by the Association of University Women and `X'11_am'an`J`aguidance services. 'tM .q 1 ' t 1 D. 7'J University Tf�ome.� to� �,st,�►11 officer As one of the highlights of its vice president -programs; Betty installation. twenty-fifth an-Aniversary the North Woolfe, vi.-ce -president-ruernbel*.., Dr. Edward N1 Eissey, Palm Beach chapter of the ship; Jean Boller, re -cording President of Palm Beach Junior American Association of Univer- secretary; Marion Knapp, corres- College, as guest speaker will sity Women will install its 1984-85 ponding secretary; Anne Fitzl)at- discuss "Women in the Eighties. officers at the dinner -meeting rick, treasurer; and Thelma Obert, Prospective members and Monday, May_ . _211at 6:30 p.m. in a chartet member'rrentland second guests are invited to this the _H�ff_6h M�, Jupiter. president who is cuy branch dinner -meeting. For reservations Offices to be honored are Judy parliamentarian. Jane Havill, and. information, call Anne Pierman, president; Susan Slone, past presetit, will conduct the. R[Zpatrick at 746-867/6.