University Women Slate Plays For The ChildrenUniversity
Three one -act plays for chil-
dren will be presented on Sat-
urday at Howell Watkins Ju=
nior High School cafetorium.
Two performances, one at 10
a.m., and one at 1 p.m., are
The North Palm Beach
Branch of (AAUW) will hear
scheduled, and tickets will be
Mrs. David C. Berry in .-c.
available at the door,
g- am of Chinese music
The plays will be staged by
dz-,�,, during the m jr
scheduled at Mrs. J j
the Jupiter High School Dra.
Vahlberg's home, 561 4. r1jor-
ma Club, under the direction
age Drive, North Palm
of Owen Swiimerford, and are
Beach. -;
Airs. - Berry's presentation
sponsored by the North Palm
wi-1, include - a little history
Beach branch of the Amerl.
and description of ancient
can Association of University
and modern Chinese musicalinstruments.
A highlight of
Women, for the benefit of the
the program will be a trio
scholarship fund.
Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Norman
Mrs. William W. Abbott,
F(v. . 7 le and Mrs. Don Pearson
'i a rendition of "Stars
president of t h e A.A.U-W-
o-11. ice," said tc be the
branch, says the one -act plays
fil , Chinese Christmas
are very popular. "Jack and
car( . (o e written.
the Beanstalk",.Js -the familiar
The -ting begins at 8
fai r y tale, "My Host the
p.m. an,. will be followed by
Ghost" is a light-hearted
the program.
ghost story, And - "The Book
That Saved the Earth" is sci-
ence fiction.
Dana Abbott., Lisa St. John, Susan Schneider and 'T'o'dd dd
St. John are seen above "promoting" three one -act
plays for children: "Jack and the Beanstalk" "My
Host the Ghost" and "The Book that Saved the Earth",
sponsored by the North Palm Beach Branch of the
American Association of University Women and pre-
sented by ,the Jupiter High School Drama Club at Howell
Watkins Junior High School Cafetorium, 9480 Garder
Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens on Saturday, May 4th at
both 10 a. m. and 1 p.m. Tickets may be obtained from
any member of the University Women or at the door,
interpreted by . Jane Berry
with a. program of modern
music at the annual s4pring
luncheon of the North Palm
. 11 'INV
Beach branch of ..the AAL
The March theme of the Reservations 10'r t- h e .' lun-. -he North Palm Beach chapter of the American AssociAtion
cheon, 1 ,p.m., 'Saturday PGA University Women (AAUW) will have Charles Simmons,
American Association of Uni- Clubhouse, are to be.. made tireCtor
versity W o m e n, "Society's b h o n i n ' 848 1056 or 848- A of the Flagler Museum as its guest speaker Saturday,
y p 9 - Jan. 13.
Reflection in Music," will be 8237,
He will discuss antiques on display ire the museum. The
program will be at the museum at 10 a.m.