University Women Give Book ShowerUniversity Women
Begin Season Monday
The North Palm Beach
branch of the American
Association of University
Women will resume its
monthly meetings, with
the first general meeting
to be held Monday, Sept.
20 at the First Federal
Savings and Loan in Lake
Mrs. Eugene Lehman,
president, statod that the
meeting will be devoted
to welcoming new and
prospective members and,
to preview plans for this
year's study topic "Law
and the Citizen." In ad-
dition to the regular
meetings on the third
Monday of each month,
there will be various
study groups devoted to
this year's topic, art, mu-
sic and other fields of
interest indicated by the
Mrs. William Abbot, VI
8-1056, is second vice
president and member-
ship chairman and wel-
comes calls from eligi-
ble persons who might
wish to attend the meet-
r .. .,. ..................
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Mr, and Mrs. Donald Dahlberg are pictured at the
annual holiday dinner dance of the North Palm Beach
Branch of the American Association of University
Women (AAUW), Dec. IA. at the Brazilian Court in
Palm Beach., Mr, Johnson, Manager, opened the
Brazilian Court two days in advance of its official
season so that the eighty members and their
husbands could enjoy dinner and dancing in the
beautiful dining room, patio and gardens. Mrs. Dahl-
berg was chairman of the event.
The AAUW held a Dec. 20, regular meeting was
held at the home of Mrs. Donald Dahlberg. Mr, and
Mrs. Lee Conover, Mr, and Mrs. Phillip Wooley, and
Mr, and Mrs. Donald Dahlberg entertained by sing-
ing, little known and medieval Christmas Carols.
University Women
Give -Book Shower
The North Palm Beach
Branch of the Association
of University Women gave
a "Book Shower" for the
North Palm Beach Lib-
rary at the Country Club
Friday morning, July 23.
Mrs. Keith Cloyed ar-
ranged to have a supply
of topical and interesting
books available for pur-
chase as gifts to the lib-
rary. Those chosen were
placed on the shelves at
once and are presently
Mrs. Eugene Lehman,
president, announced that
the first meeting of the
1965-66 year will be Sept.
20, in the Community
Room of the First Federal
Savings and Loan Asso-
ciation in Lake Park.
Mrs. William Abbot, 848-
1056, is second vice pre-
sident and membership
chairman of the North
Palm Beach Branch of
CHILDREN _IN NORTH Palm Beach County contribut-
ed $300 to the Baptist College campaign when they at-
tended four showings of "Heidi and Pete" at Alhamanda,
Elementary School. Collecting admissions at the door
are Mrs. Ellen O'Hara, Librarian, and Tena Hollings-
ivorth, attired in Swiss costumes.