Susan Dahlberg, Susan SeufertCOMMUNITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST of Lake Park, Florida presents MISS SUSAN DAHLBEBG in Concert for the BENEFIT OF THE SCHOLARSHIP FUND of COMMUNITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Friday, March 14, 1980 at Bobb's Piano and Organ Studio , SUSAN DAHL lrjnmG Our special thanks to the North Palm Beach branch of The American dissociation of Uniueristy Women for their ualuable help and cooperation in making this euening possible. 'hanks to Bobb 's Piano's and Organs who have giuen so generously of the space and the piano Miss Dahlberg has used. We appreciate all of the help we have receiued from so marry, Z. and we especially appreciate your being with us this euening. May this time be a time of great joy to each of you, and the bless- ings of Clod be upon you. The Scholarship Committee COMMUNITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST i�