SKIDS Puss 'N Boots,
a three -act play, especial-
ly for youngsters, will be
presented Saturday at the
Howell Watkins Junior
High School Auditorium
at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
by the Palm Beach High
School Thespians. The
play is being sponsored
by the North Palm Beach
Branch of the American
Association of Univeristy
Women. Shown Dere are
Mrs. John P. Rigg Jr.,
ticket chairman, left and
Mrs. Jerry G. Guffey.
Pe interested bystander
Mrs. Rigg's daughter
.:-:eerie, age 2.
Puss In Boots
Puss in Boots cast are L to R: Fred Davis, Terry Hopkins,
Richard Barclay, Barbara Hoff, Front: Bonnie Peak, Cathi Di -
Buddy Vincent, Donna Vincent, coca.
A three act play by the
North Palm Beach Branch of
Thespian Club of Palm Beach
the American Association of
High School will be drama-
University Women.
tized Saturday, January 28that
the Howell Watkins Jr.
j —^-
High School Auditorium.. The
two performances directed by
Mr. .ferry Parlette will be at
10:00 a.m. and at 1:30 p.m.
with admission 60 cents.
Tickets will be on sale Mon-
day and Tuesday mornings,
January 16th and 17th before
school at north county ele-
mentary schools and at Ho-
well Watkins Jr.' High. They
may also be obtained at the
door, from members of
AAUW or by calling Mrs.
John Rigg, Jr. 848-5969.
Proceeds will be used for
the Fellowships Fund of the
IT'S 'FLAY' TIME -- Cast mem-
bers of "'Puss `N Boots" are shown
in rehearsal for their Jan. 28 per-
formances at the Howell Watkins
Junior High School Auditorium.
The production is being sponsored
by the North Palm Beach Branch
of the American Association of Uni-
versity Women (AAUW) and will
benefit the group's fellowships fund.
Pictured here are, on the floor from
left, Bonnie Peak, the "ogre;" Cathi
Di Cocco, "Puss;" and Lee Allen,
Puss In BootsP
Play rehearsals and ships fund. Members of the area who have not
yetcommittee arrangements the NPB AAUW felt that
enjoyed the opportunity of
are in full swing as the the production would be of seem this deli htful
g g fan -
Palm Beach High School benefit not only to the tasyo
Thespians prepare for Fellowship fund but also Adm'
another presentation of to the many children in charged Admission will be
the Children's Theatre
:.. g e door, ` V
production, "Puss in
The play, a dramatiza. F
tion of an old fairy tale.,
will be held at the Howell
Watkins Jr. High School -_ _ __.------
__on Saturday, January 28.
The curtain will rise at Ca rdPa rtie s
10 a,m, and at 1:30 p,m.
Pleased with the suc- The s�jpply of books for the
cess of the holiday per- North Palm Beach and Lake
formances of the play at park libraries will always be
the PBHS auditorium and plentiful, as long as women of
the benefit showing at 'the area like to play cards.
Royal Palm Elementary The American Association
School, the Thespians of University Women (AAUW),
troupe sponsored by J, L. North Palm Beach chapter, has
Parlette and Elizabeth been combining the need for
Anderson in collaboration books with the fun of cards fe:.
with the North Palm -- --- - --
Beach Branch of the j J
American Association of
University Women, deci-
ded to "ring up" in the
North Palm Beach area,
The proceeds from this
presentation will be used
for---O--;P_._ AAUW Fellow-
Aid Library
about four years.
The entire month of
November has been set aside
for the project. Any group of
card players may participate.
Each player must donate $2 to
the library fund, but in return
the AAUW supplies prizes and
dessert. Players may specify for
which library their donation
should be used.
The largest party planned so
far will be at the Lake Park
library Nov. 16. Eight to 12
tables are now scheduled, but
more are welcome.
Co-chairmen are Mrs Jean
Groff',. and Mrs. Genevieve
Niemasyzk Contact Mrs.
Groff) ' at 842-3088 for
reservations or more details.