Puss In Boots To Be Sponsored By AAUWPuss In Boots To Be
Sponsored By
Play rehearsals and com-
Berson in collaboration with
mittee arrangements are in
the N o r t h Palm Beach
full swing as the Palm Beach
Branch of the American As -
High School 'Thespians pre-
sociation of. University Wo -
pare for another presenta-
men, decided to "ring up" in
tion of the Children's Theatre
the North Palm Beach area.
production, "Puss in Boots."
The proceeds from this pre -
The play, a dramatization
sentation will be used for the
of an old fairy tale, will be
AAUW Fellowships fund. Me -
held at the Howell Watkins
mbers of the NPB AAUW felt
Jr. High School on Saturday,
that the production would be
January 28 for those children
of benefit not only to the
who have not yet seen it. The
Fellowships fund, but also to
curtain will rise at 10 a.m.
the many children in the
and at 1:30 p.m. Perform-
area who have not yet en-
ance of the three act play
joyed the opportunity of see -
lasts one and one half hours.
ing this delightful fantasy.
Pleased with the success of
The play itself has been
the holiday performances of
double cast to allow more
the play at the PBHS audi-
of the PBHS players to gain
torium and the benefit show-
f he worthwhile experience of
ing,- at Royal Palm Elemen-
the dramatic appearance.
tary School, the Thespians
Connie Atkins and Cathy Di -
troupe sponsored by J. L.
Cocco lead the cast in the
Pa.riette and Elizabeth An-
role of Puss, followed by
Buddy Vincent and Jim Houl-
ihan as Jack. Other actors
are John Schroer, Lee Allen,
Candi Fox, Christine Cotter,
Jess Pike, Donna Vincent,
Barbara Hoff, Fred Davis,
Bonnie Peak, Richard Bard -
lay, Kathi Trigg, Norma
Grenfell, Terri Hopkins and
James Feller.
Tickets may be obtained
from any NPB AAUW mem-
ber or by calling Mrs. John
Rigg Jr. of North Palm
Beach. Tickets will also be
sold at the Lake Park li-
brary and at the door.
Florida University Women
Convene In Gainesville
The Ramada Inn, Gaines- Representatives, the Honor-
ville, Florida will be host for able Ralph Turlington will be
the 38th Annual Convention a member of a Saturday pan -
of the Florida Division of the el discussing cultural change
American Association of from the standpoint of con -
University Women-, Septem- structive political thinking.
ber 29 to October 1, 196-7. The passage of Senate Bill
Attending from the Palm No. 383 during the last leg -
Beach County Branch will be islative session providing
Mrs. Jonathan Holt, Associa- equal jury service for women
tion Legislative Chairman, was part of the Florida Div -
Branch President, Mrs. Ger- ision's legislative program
ald Daniels, immediate Past during the past year. On the
President, Mrs. Alan Rush, panel with Mr. Turlington
Mrs. Joe P. Jones, Area Re- will be Dr. Vincent O'Con-
presentative for Community nell, psychologist at the Stu -
Problems, Miss Pauline Klin dent Health Center, Univer-
ger, Legislature Chairman and sity of Florida who will dis-
Mrs. Arthur Slater, Area Re- cuss the current thinking of
presentative for World Pro youth and Mrs. Glenn Hoff-
blems. Attending from the man, demonstration teacher
North Palm Beach Branch in the Institute for Teachers
will be the President, . Mrs. of Disadvantaged Children
William Abbott. at the University of Florida
who will discuss the chang-
Mrs. Lee F. Branan, Ocala, ing role of American women.
Florida, State Division Pre- Dean Lester Hale will dis-
sident, will preside over the cuss the role of cultural
sessions whose theme is "Per- change in Florida, His sub-
spective for Cultural Chan- ject will be, "A Story by Mar-
ge." Speaker of the House of jorie Kinnan Rawlings."
Lecturer To
The N o r t h Palm Beach to
Branch of AAUW wi,l►1 present in
Father Theophane Maguire, --
c.p. of Our Lady of Florida
Monastery as guest speaker
at its first fall meeting. His
topic, "Is China a Paper Ti-
ger" is of current interest to
everyone, and the public is
cordially invited to hear him 4
speak. This meeting will be
held on Wednesday, Septem-
ber 28, at 8:30 P.M. at the
First Federal Savings and '
L o an Association in Lake
Father Theophane Maguire
was ordained a priest on Oc-
tober 28, 1923. He arrived in
China in August 1924. His
mission territory was in
northwest H u n a n province
where he served for five
years. In 1945 he wrote "Hu-
nan Harvest", the story of
his years in China. Father
Theophane has been assigned
the Passionist Monastery
Florida since 1960.
A A U Y 6'
"Hurry, Hurry„ by W. C.
Fields, and "Lizzies of the'
Field" by Mac Sennett, beth
humorous films, will be
shown at the Monday meet-
ing of. the North Palm Beach
branch of the American As-
sociation of University Wom-
Art Musto, a member of the
drama faculty of Palm Beach
Junior College, . will discuss
what makes good comedy and
the changes in humor in films
through the years.
The meeting place is the
First Federal Savings and
Loan Association in Lake
Park at 8 p.m.
The annual library benefit
bridge. of the association will
be held Wednesday evening in
the homes of several. mem-
Proceeds will go to the li-
braries of North Palm Beach,
Lake Park, and Riviera.
Beach. For information call
Mrs. J. E. Obert, 844-7011.
University Women
North Palm Beach
The Monday meeting of the
North Palm Beach. American
.Association of University
Women, (AAUW) will be held
at the University Theatre of
Florida Atlantic University
`Boca Raton.
Harold Burris -Meyer, pro-
fessor of drama and director
of the .theater will conduct the
tour and discussion.
Those wishing rides or fur-
ther information should con-
tact Mrs. Jerry Guffey.
The Rev. Theophane Ma-
guire, C.P. of Our Lady of
F l o r i d a Monastery, guest
speaker at the first fall meet-
ing of the North Palm Beach
Branch of American Associa-
t i on of University Women
(AAUW), will use as his topic,
"Is China a Paper Tiger?"
The initial meeting to be
held Wednesday at 8:30 p.m.,
at the First Federal Savings
and Loan Association in Lake
Park, will be open to the pub-
lic. e
Father Maguire was ordain-
ed a priest on Oct. 28, 1923
and arrived in China in Au-
gust 1924. His mission territo-
ry was in northwest Hunan
province where he served for
five years. He wrote "Hunan
Harvest," the story of his
years in China, in 1945.
Father Maguire has been
assigned to t h e Passionist
Monastery in Florida since
"Society's Reflection in the
Arts" is the theme for this
years meetings of the Amer-
ican Association of Univer-
sity Women North Palm
Leach Branch.
There will be commentaries
on the latest in the world of
contemporary painting on
!Monday, at the First Fed-
�eral Savings and Loan As-
sociation of Lake Park.
Mrs. C. Donald globin, Mrs.
.Joseph Heath, Mrs. Stanley
1H. Lustig, and Mrs. William
"Snick, chairman, will lecture.
They have all taught various
phases of art in the area.
During October, there will
be a series of study groups
at the home of Mrs. Keith
Cloyed in Juno. These study
groups will. be held each Fri-
day at 9:30 a.m. 'Anyone -may
The group will explore mu-
sic and art in the early 20th
In keeping with the
theme for February, "So-
ciety's . Reflectiom in the
Dance", Mrs. Bobbie Jean
Wynn will present a pro-
gram of interpretive
dancing done to modern
poetry and music at the
February 19th general
meeting of the North Palm
Beach Branch of the
American Association of
University Women.
Mrs. Wunn holds a B.A.
degree in modern langu-
ages. She obtained her
degree from Talladega in
Alabama and became a
member of the Talladega
Modern Dance Group,
Mrs. Wynn is considered
an outstanding talent in
this field and was accept-
ed by a professional dance
The 8:00 p.m, meeting
will be held at 500 Fed-
eral Highway, Lake Park,
Puss In Boots To Be
Sponsored By AAUW
Dana Abbott is shown admiring
:til• f
preswed at Howell Watkins J r,
poster for "Puss in Boots" a
Nigh School on Saturday, Jan,
three act play for children to be
28th. ;l
Play rehearsals and com-
derson in collaboration with
mittee arrangements are in
Palm Beach
the North �
full swing as the Palm Beach
Branch of the American As -
High School Thespians pre-
sociation of. University Wo- I
pare for another presenta-
men, decided to "ring up" in
tion of the Children's Theatre
the North Palm Beach area.
production, "Puss in Boots."
The proceeds from this pre -
The play, a dramatization
sentation will be used for the
of an old fairy tale, will be
AAUW Fellowships fund. Me -
held at the Howell Watkins
mbers of the NPB AAUW felt
Jr. High School on Saturday,
that the production would be
January 28 for those children
of benefit not only to the
who have not yet seen it. The
Fellowships fund, but also to
curtain will rise at 10 a.m.
the many children in the
Florida University Women
Convene In Gainesville
The Ramada Inn, Gaines- Representatives, the Honor-
ville, Florida will be host for able Ralph Turlington will be
the 38th Annual Convention a member of a Saturday pan-,
of the Florida Division of the el discussing cultural change
American Association of from the standpoint of con -
University Women-, Septem- structive political thinking.
ber 29 to October 1, 196-7. The passage of Senate Bill
Attending from the Palm No. 383 during the last leg -
Beach County Branch will be islative session providing'
Mrs. Jonathan Holt, Associa- equal jury service for women
tion Legislative Chairman, was part of the Florida Div -
Branch President, Mrs. Ger- ision's legislative program
ald Daniels, immediate Past during the past year. On the
President, Mrs. Alan Rush, panel with Mr. Turlington
Mrs. Joe P. Jones, Area Re- will be Dr. Vincent O'Con-
presentative for Community nell, psychologist at the Stu -
Problems, Miss Pauline Klin dent Health Center, Univer-
ger, Legislature Chairman and sity of Florida who will dis-
Mrs. Arthur Slater Area
cuss the current thinking of
presentative for World Pro-' youth and Mrs. Glenn Hoff-
blems. Attending from the man, demonstration teacher
North Palm Beach Branch in the Institute for Teachers
will be the President, . Mrs. of Disadvantaged Children
William Abbott. at the University of Florida
who will discuss the chang-
Mrs. Lee F. Branan, Ocala, Ing role of American women.
Florida, State Division Pre- Dean Lester Hale will dis-
sident, will preside over the cuss the role of cultural
sessions whose theme is "Per- change in Florida, His sub-
spective for Cultural Chan- ject will be, "A Story by Mar-
ge." Speaker of the House of jorie Kinnan Rawlings."
7: 00 P v Yi .
May 20 1965
oS p e
�ach to the Passionist Monastery
sent in Florida since 1950.
lire, -- - --
r Ti-
st to
AA t
is is
ll be
item -
t the
a Oc-
ed in
,as in
ry of
Ranacla Inn, West Palm Beach
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"Hurry, Hurry" by W. C.
Fields, and "Lizzies of the
Field" by Mac Sennett, both
humorous films, will be
shown at the Monday meet-
ing of the North Palm Beach
branch of the American As-
sociation of University Wom-
Art Musto, a member of the
drama faculty of Palm Beach
Junior College, , will discuss
what makes good comedy and
the changes in humor in films
through the years.
The meeting place is the
First Federal Savings and
Loan Association in Lake
Park at 8 p.m.
The annual library benefit
bridge. of the association will
be held Wednesday evening in
the homes of several mem-
Proceeds will go to the li-
braries of North Palm Beach,
Lake Park, and Riviera.
Beach. For information call
Mrs. J. E. Obert, 844-7011.
University Women
North .halm Beach
The Monday meeting of the
North Palm Beach American
Association of University
Women, (AAUW) will be held
at the University Theatre of
Florida Atlantic University
`Boca Raton.
Harold Burris -Meyer, pro-
fessor of drama and director
of the .theater will conduct the
tour and discussion.
Those wishing rides or fur-
ther information should con-
tact Mrs. Jerry Guffey.
The Rev. Theophane Ma-
guire, C.P. of Our Lady of
F l o r i d a Monastery, guest
speaker at the first fall meet-
ing of the North Palm Beach
Branch of American Associa-
t i on of University Women
(AAUW), will use as his topic,
"Is China a Paper Tiger?"
The initial meeting to be
held Wednesday at 8:30 p.m.,
at the First Federal Savings
and Loan Association in Lake
Park, will be open to the pub-
lic. f
Father Maguire was ordain-
ed a
priest prie on Oct. 28, 1923
and arrived in China in Au-
gust 1924. His mission territo-
ry was in northwest Hunan
province where he served for
five years. He wrote "Hunan
Harvest," the story of his
years in China, in 1945.
Father Maguire has been
assigned to t h e Passionist
Monastery in Florida since
"Society's Reflection in the
Arts" is the theme for this
years meetings of the Amer-
ican Association of Univer-
city Women North Palm
Beach Branch.
There will be commentaries
on the latest in the world of
contemporary painting on
(Monday, at the First Fed-
eral Savings and Loan As-
sociation of Lake Park.
Mrs. C. Donald Robin, Mrs.
Joseph Heath, Mrs. Stanley
1H. Lustig, and Mrs. William
Shick, chairman, will lecture.
They have all taught various
phases of art in the area.
During October, there will
be a series of study groups
at the home of Mrs. Keith
Cloyed in Juno. These study
groups will be held each Fri-
day at 9:30 a.m. 'Anyone may
The group will explore mu-
sic and art in the early 20th
In keeping with the
theme for February, "So-
ciety's . Reflectiom in the
Dance", Mrs. Bobbie Jean
Wynn will present a pro-
gram of interpretive
dancing done to modern
poetry and music at the
February 19th general
meeting of the North Palm
Beach Branch of the
American Association of
University Women.
Mrs. Wunn holds a B.A.
degree in modern langu-
ages. She obtained her
degree from Talladega in
Alabama and became a
member of the Talladega
Modern Dance Group,
Mrs. Wynn is considered
an outstanding talent in
this field and was accept-
ed by a professional dance
The 8:00 p.m, meeting
will be held at 500 Fed-
eral Highway.V Lake Park,