Palm Beach Area Inter-branch Counchil October 16, 1982OVERCOMING MAT&ANXIETY, JAN. 16W Sheila Tobias will discuss'her book, Overcoming Math Anxiety, the concepts of education, and the future r- . ...... of women's education at 7:30 p.m. Id January 16. The lecture, sponsored by the American Association of Univer- .4 sity Women, Stephens College Club and the North Palm Beach Library, Will be held at the Library Meeting Room. For more information call Jan at 626-6329. niv c r WHAT CAN YOUR COMPUTER DO FOR YOU? JAN. 17 "What can your computer do for Pal u " is the topic of the Jan. 17 ii -i Beach Area Inter -branch ruound 1 t`.0ee?ting of the North Palm Beach lBranch of the American Association of University Women. The meeting Will begin at 8 p.m. at the Citizens Building next to the North Palm 'Beach Library. Guest speaker is Brian rt Noble. Guests and members are invited to attend. Helen Wilkes Hotel 201 North Fl --ler Drive WeSt- Pa, im Bea -ch, Florida OCIL-ober 16, 1982 10 I (-: 00 Noon OFFICERS of the Palm Bea�h Area Inter -branch Council Judy Piernnzn President Elizabeth Smith Vice President Helen Heine Secretary -Treasurer HOSTES Ooroth Gay Emma Moore Program Coordination Helen Gilmore MU3IC Inerie Hudnell American Association of University Women �alm Be�ch Are� In�er-branch Council P R 0 G R A M Ju' Pierman President Elizalbeth SJmith Presiding CALL TO ORDI_ PR, Elizabeth Smith WORDS OF WISDOM . . . . . ' . ' . Pat.,ricia Robinson GETTING TO KNOW YOU . . . . ~ . . Nancy Loveday WELCOME, INTROOUCATIONS � � ` . , Elizabeth Smith Judy Pierman LUNCH INTRODUCTI0M OF SPEAKER Elizabeth Smith GUEST SPEAKER . . . . . ' . ' . . Dr' Janet Larsen Florida Division President New Highways) COMMENTS Judy pierman ANNOUNCEMENTS DOOR pRIZEIS, Helen Gilmore ADJOURNMENT American Ass-ociation of University Women Tnter-branch Counc* '`aim Beakch Area . I1 PROGRAM Judy Pieri-iian Pres ident Elizabeth Smith Presiding I g CALtl- TO ORDER Ellizabethl Smith WORDS OF WISDOM Patricia Robinson '-'I-TTTP,j'- TO KNOW YU1 Nancy Lovedav y WELCOMF TNTRODHATIONS Pli7abeth Smith Judy ud Pi erman LUNCH I` -r T Ory '1 4 "rN-T-RODU OF SPEAKER E izabeth Smith I I t, 1 -1 A GUEST SPEAKER Dr. Janet Larsen Florida Division President New Highway's, COMMENTS 11 a Judy Pierman AI INNOUNCEIMEVIS OVERCOMING MAj6V4X0ETY L JAN. 1 Sheila Tobias will discuss her book, Overcoming Math Anxiety, the concepts of education, and the future of women's education at 7:30 p.m. January 16. The lecture, sponsored by the American Association of Univer- sity Women, Stephens College Club and the North Palm Beach Library, will be held at the Library Meeting Room. For more information call Jan at 626-6329. WHAT CAN YOUR COMPUTER DO FOR YOU? JAN, 17 `What .can your computer do for ou? " is the topic of the Jan. 17 Nffieeting of the North Palm Beach Branch of the American Association of University Women. The meeting Will begin at 8 p.m. at the Citizens Building next to the North Palm 1 Beach Library. Guest speaker is Brian Noble. Guests and members are invited to attend. FOURTH ANNUAL AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN DD U�l.� NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH FASHION SHOW and LUNCHEON FOR EDUCATIONAL FELLOWSHIPS MARCH 5, 1983