NPB AAUW Elects Officers (NCN) 7-25-81AIM NP400169h. AM W ® ■ ■ ■ Officers e North Palm University women is a each branch of Ameri- woman's key to mem- ai Association of lJni- bership. . v0rsWomen ,ity (.A.A.U-M.) have elected The AAU*T Educa- their new officers for tlonal Foundation. a- -1981-82 as follows: Pres- wards and grants pr®- ident-Judy Pierman; gram is the largest, in Program ' vice Presi- the country in support dent -Peggy Campbell; of women. Membership vice Presi- dent -Judy Cairnes; Cairnes; Re- r cording Sec. -Jean Bol- ler; and 'treasurer- Sue July 25. 1981 North County News (l, to R): Jean Boller-Rec. Sec., Peggy Campbell-Prog, V.P., Judy Pierman-Pres., Sue Slone-Treas., Judy Cairnes-Memb. V.P. Slone. For 100 years, AAUW AREA has worked for the advancement of women, first BULLETI.N BOARD their recognition as class citizens, equal op- Continued From Page 6 port.unity, and the right to choose - from many IMONEY TALKS' AT NPB LIBRARY alternative careers and The North Palm Beach Branch of the �-, life rounded in en i American Association of .University Wom , n .styles. Boston in 1881 by 65 conjunction with the North Palm Peach Public Library, will Lary Jane Lifsey, a bank college i ad�_ a women Yg g AA ". w has present executive from Merritt Island. 9 "MONEY 'TALKS ate*, to Ms..Lifse will speak on bers - ]_90,000 mem9 onMo--n-day, November 16 at 8 p.m, in the cited in every state plus I meeting room of the library. Admission is free. the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the .virgin Islands. A baccalaureate de- gree from a regionally accredited institution, ,. recognized by the Inter - nation, Federation of as UfIJ NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH Installation Dinner Nando's, Palm Beach, Florida May 18, 1981 AAt-W Luncheon 0 f aosht'oon Show for Educational Foundations SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14/1 NORTH PALM BEACH C 0 U NT R) FASHIONS BY JACOBSON'S OAKBROOK S QUA American Association of University Women North Palm Beach Branch l -7) LUNCHEON - FASHION SHOW for Educational Foundations �_ D Saturday, February 14,1981. C) 11:30 A.M. North Palm Beach Country Club Fashions by Jacobson's Donation $10.00 ­IUMWM 0 mrs Off ice S C North Palm University Women is a Beach branch of Ameri- woman's key to mem- of Uni- bership. eqn., Assoc ic�-ttion Women 'versity, (A.A.U-N.) have elected The AAUNV Educa- their new officers for tional Foundation a- '4981-82 as follows: Pres- wards and grants pro- ident-Judy Pierman; gram is the largest in Program ' Vice Pre si- the country in support dent -Peggy Campbell; of women. Mernbersbip Vice Presi dent -Judy Cairnes; Re - july 25,1981 North County News (l to R), Jean Boller-Rec. Sec., Peggy Campbell-Pro'g. V.P., Judy Pierman-Pres., Sue Slone-Treas., Judy Cairnes-Memb. V.P. ng )0 I I The AA UW Fellowship Program was established to onnhlq gifted women to use their intellectual power for the good of humanity. The AA UW Fellowship Program is the oldest non - university program of fellowships in the United States. Its first award was made in 1888 and since then more than 2000 women from over 70 countries have received support for study and research both in the United States and abroad. North Palm Beach Branch of the American Association of University Women President: Jane Havill 1st Vice—President: Judy Pie rman -- 2nd Vice—President0 * Judy Cairnes Recording Secretary: Lucy Wendel Corresponding; Secretary: Maybelle Davie Treasurer: Sue Slone Barbara Fenton Reservations Lenora Coppola, Jane Havill Door Prizes Sue Slone Location Jean Haun Table Decorations Eleanor Clintons JACOBSON'S 1k Lenora Coppola Breezy !Preeman Marta Gordon Anna Saalbach BetsylJeston and models from Jacobson's American Association of University Women North Palm Beach Branch .7) LUNCHEON - FASHION SHOW for Educational Foundations CD CD CD Saturday, February 149 1981 -1 C) 11:30 A.M. (7) North Palm Beach Country Club can. Fashions by Jacobson's Donation $10.00