NP women's group wants to help working women with childcare dutiesWomen hel-pingwomen NOh P.....alm women's group wan working women with childcare Judy Pierma.n, Ada Knight and the ether 120 or so members of the North Palm Beach chapter of the American Association of Llniversity Women will soon be helping local women find ways of dealing with the new reality of economic life in America:. the mother who works and also cares for children, Pierrnan, the organization's new 4 president, says- the group will be looking into the "availability of daycare facilities" to assist in a national AAUW program designed to determine who is responsible for the care of small children when the mother works. Pierman is just one of many local woman who share the same problem: she has a three year old. son and must find someone to care for him while she works as a fourth grade teacher at the Benjamin school. The N. P.B. women's group, as part of the nationwide effort, will try to find new ways in which ` local, businesses and employers can. help women care f6r their children and hold jobs at the I OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN kTE DIVISION SON ts t,o--­, -e 1 U t I i r , same time. l One of those pos-cxibilities, already being done in the Palq-; Befach C,Ounty school system,in at'ua.st �:�r'e� instance, r is something calledrjch: shar°il g. With the co-operation of th4iL., e.Fyer, tw'C.. people split up a full time job to allow each more tune lair such things as childrearing. Continued on Page 13 nal Foundation Programs -1931 NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH 1.981-1982 r. AAMRICAN ASSOCIATION OF UINWERSITY WONEEN 1 Forth Palin. Beach Branch of American Association of University 1�4 Women is having their MonthIN General Meeting on January 18, a 8 p.m. at the Seniors Citizen Hall in North Palm Beach. The guest speaker will be Dr. Mona Devanesan. who will review and discuss the book "Male Practice" by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn. The North Palm Beach chapter of the American Association of Univer- sity Women will meet at 8 p.m. N.QX. 15 at the North Palm Beach Library. Shelters for the young and invalids will be discussed. of ?A ROGRAM a ,e President indation Board 1Z101 oversaw `dtennial Fund Chairman 981 Tuttle 'in, EFP Chairman '981 Shutt in, EFP Chairman 982 CID ABUSE TOPIC AT NPR SETING TONIGHT The Families Facing Change Committee of the North Palm Peach, y -Braheh. of American Association of University 3 r .1 rsity V� orrien will hear an address by Mary Kay Murray, director of the Child's Place do-wntown, West Palm Beach `,r Her talk will be devoted to child abuse and neglect. The program will be held at the NPB village council Chamber at 7:3?' p.m. this evening March 19. A.AUW promo.t:..._ localIir. Continuos,., Fr"bm. Fuge I., The North Palm i rnversity Women have ' long been active in promoting locale libraries, and they sponsor yearly benefits for the forth Palm and Lake Park libraries. The AAUW encourages women who are graduates of college to join and participate in any of the similar gatherings the organization has,: the gourmet dinner group, the literary group, or the new woman group, a session at which -women help each other understand the problems they leave in the business world or at home. On. a related topic, the AA LAW will be sponsoring a series of talks called "'money. talks" to familiarize women with banking terns ana anything that has to do with money" .according to Pierrnart. Pi-erman is recently elected officer of the AAUW and will be joined in the coming year by newly' elected 1,program Vice -President. Judy Cairnes, membership mice -President Judy Cairnes,. recording Secretary Jean Boller, corresponding Secretary Maybelle. Davie', and Treasurer Sue Slone. Artiyone interested in joining the t AAI -)'W should call Judy Pier�.na.n at uln rs it By Mary Ann Farrell Times Staff Writer The North Palrn Beach chap- ter of the American Association of University Woanen will hold a seminar on doctors and their medical resp.rmsibiliffes to wom- en patients.at 8--p-m. Jan. 18 at the North Palm Beach Citizens Building. For more information! telephone 626-6486. Author talks �n technical' anxieties 6y Mary Ann carrell Times Staff Writer The American Association of Uni- versity Women will hold a special meeting at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 16 with guest speaker author Shelia Tobias who will talk about fears and anxi- eties that come from dealing with math and technical fields. The regu- lar meeting is set for 8 p.m. Jan. 17, at the North Palm .Beach Citizens Building. Women F ing'',, wo` ''men 51' women s group wan women with cniIC1.,care Judy Merman, Ada Knight and the other 120 or so rnembers of the North Palm Beach chapter of the American Assoeiation of University Women will soon be helping local women find ways of dealing with the new reality of C(10nomic life in America:. the mother who works and also cares for children. P°ierman, the organization's new AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNWFiRSITY WOMIEN 1 North Pdlm. Beach Branch of n. America , Association of University Women is having their Monthly General Meeting on January 18, at . 8 p.m. at the Seniors Citizen Hall in North Palm Beach. The guest speaker will be Dr. Mona Devanesan who will review and discuss the book "Male Practice" by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn. president, says. the group will be looking into the ."availability `availability of daycare facilities" to assist in a national AAUW program designed to determine who is responsible for the care of small children when the mother works. Pierman is just one of many local woman who -share the same problem: she has a three year old. son and must find someone to care for him while she works as a fourth grade teacher at the Benjamin school. The N. P.B. women.'s group, as part of the nationwide effort, will try to find new ways in which ` local businesses and employers can, -help women care for their children and :hold jobs at the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN FLORIDA STATE DIVISION tohel�a dutiI e same time. 7 One of those pos, Ab lltles, already being done in the Pal --:�4 13cfach C::)unty school system In at;1'cast :orale.- instance, j is soniet hing called job:. sharing. With � the co-operation of tht, C111pioyer, tv� people split up a full time job to allow each more tinic for such things as child-rearing. t 'r c 1,014 r)" an P e i3 A Salute to the Educational Foundation Programs 1971-1981 OCA493� EJEO PRESENTATION OF PROGRAM Rosalind Exum South Atlantic Region Vice President Fay Riley Association Educational Foundation Board 1979-1981 Dorothy Unversaw South Atlantic Region Centennial Fund Chairman 1977-1981 Charlotte Tuttle Florida State Division, EFP Chairman 1979-1981 Dorothy Shutt Florida State Division, EFP Chairman 1981-1982 The North Palm Beach chapter of the American Association of Univer- sity Women will meet at 8 p.m. IYDX. 15 at the North Palm Beach Library. Shelters for the young and invalids will be discussed. lot ?A CHILD ABUSE TOPIC AT NPB MEETING TONIGHT .t' The Families Facin h g �' ange Co.mmittee of the North Palm Beach -Branch of American Association of University. A oaten will hear an address by Mary Kay Murray, director 'of the Child'sPlace .downtown, West Palm Beach: Her talkwill be devoted to child abuse and neglect. The program will be held at the NPB Village council Chamber at this everting March 10. A.AUW.promotes i -local .11brartes Continoe�& Frbin7. Page 1 The North Palm University Women have long been active in promoting local libraries, and they sponsor yearly benefits for the North Palm and Lake Park libraries. The AAUW encourages women who are graduates of college to .join and participate in any of the- similar gatherings the organization h -as: the gourmet dimer group, the literary group, or the new woman group, a I session at which women help each i, other understand the problems they i, have in the business world or at home. On.a related topic, the AAUW will be sponsoring a series of talks called "money. talks" to familiarize 'women with banking terms and "any -thing that has to do with money" .according to Pierrnart. Pierman is recently elected officer of the AAUW and will be joined in. the l coming year by newl34 elected program Vice -President. Judy iCairnes, membership mice -President Judy Cairnes,l recording Secretary Jean Boller, corresponding Secretary Maybelle. Davie, and Treasurer Sue Slone. Anyone interested in joining the j AAUW should call Judy Piers 11a.n at Uniyersit By Mary Ann Farrell Tires Staff Writer The North Palm Beach chap- ter of the American Association of University Women will hold a seminar on doctors and their medical resp,�sibflli_tes to wom- en patients rats .a.t 8, '"p.m. Jan. 18 at the North Palm Beach Citizens Building. For more information telephone 626-6486. Author talks cin `technical' anxieties By Mary Ann Farrell Times Staff Writer The American Association of Uni- versity Women will hold a special meeting at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 16 with guest speaker author Shelia Tobias who will talk about fears and anxi- eties that come from dealing with math and technical fields. The regu- lar meeting is set for 8 p.m. Jan. 17, I at the North Palm Beach Citizens Building. Women hetping'.;,wom-en NoahPlm women's group wants t working wonien with childcare d ut Judy Pierma.n, Ada Knight and the other 129 or so members of the North Palm Beach chapter of the American Association of University Women will soon be helping local women find ways of dealing with the new reality of economic life in America:. the mother who works and also cares for children: Piermati, the organization's new FLORIDA STATE DIVISION ENDOWMENTS American Fellowships Attie F. Branan (1972-73) Melanie R. Rosborough (1973-74) Florence Seibert (1963-64) Marjorie E. Swift (1975-76) International Fellowships Gloria Peters (1961-62) Research and Project Olivette H. Buford (1980-81) FLORIDA BRANCHES NAMED UNITS OF THE GENERAL FELLOWSHIPS ENDOWMENTS Helena Ball Unit Dorothy Beach Unit Frances S. Bean Unit Jane D. Harris Unit Anna Forbes Liddell Unit Helen M. Stevenson Unit FLORIDA BRANCH NAMED UNIT OF THE GENERAL RESEARCH & PROJECTS ENDOWMENT Jane T. Boser Unit FLORIDA STATE DIVISION: PUBLIC SERVICE GRANT 1974: "Using the Untapped Resources of the Mature Person" Helen Ellis, Elizabeth Ren AME RICAN ASSOCIArON OF UNWERSITY WOMEN 1 North Pdlm. Beach ]Branch of American -Association of University having their Monthly Women is � � �, General Meetin g g g on J8 anua Hy , at p.m. at the Seniors Citizen Hall in North Palm Beach. The guest speaker will be Dr. Mona Devanesan who will review and discuss the book "Male Practice" by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn. president, says the group will be looking into the . "availability of daycare facilities" to assist in a national AAUW program designed to determine who is responsible for the care of small children when the mother works. Picrman is just one of many local woman who share the same problem: she has a three year old. son and must find someone to care for him while she works as a fourth grade teacher at the Benjamin school. The N.Y.B. women's group, as part of the nationwide effort, will try to find new ways in which, local businesses and employers can help women care for their children and hold jobs at the BRANCH: RESEARCH AND PROJECT GRANTS 1975: Stuart Branch "Profiles of Martin County Women" Helen Shea Wells 1976: Daytona Beach Branch "Library Facilities for Daytona Beach" Marjorie S. MacCollum 1976: Bradenton Branch "Volunteer Tutor Program" Elizabeth Nevin 1977: Fort Walton Beach Branch/ Niceville- Valparaiso Branch "Establishment of a Living Historical Community" Addie Lewis, Hazel Williams 1978: Bradenton Branch "Violence in the Home" Sarah Barnett 1978: Brandon Branch "Library for Steppin' Stone Farm" 1978: Clearwater Branch "Better Home Care for the Elderly" Elizabeth Sauer 1979: Orlando -Winter Park Branch "Leadership Development Institute" Marilyn Whisler INDIVIDUAL: RESEARCH AND PROJECT GRANTS same time. One of t] being done school systc is sonnet hin the co -open, people split each more child -rearm" 1977: Gretchen Conduitte "Talents Inside" Orlando 1977: Lisa H. Gorham "Pocketbook Politics" Tampa 1978: Shirley Owens "Art Enrichment for Grades One to Three" Fernandina Beach 1979: Victoria Wagner "The Davie Dilemma A History of the Area" Davie PROJECT RENEW 1974: Marion Almy, Archaeology, Sarasota, University of South Florida 1976: Linda Tisdale, Human Relations, Melbourne, University of Oklahoma 1977: Susan Seufert, Social Work, North Palm Beach, Barry College 1978: Henrietta Degowski, Educational Administration, Margate, Nova University 1979: Judith Bontrager, Early Childhood Education, Plantation, Nova University 1980: Bari Brandon, Public Administration, West Palm Beach The North Palm Beach chapter of the American Association of Univer- sity Women will meet at 8 p.m. lYDv,. 15 at -the North Palm Beach Library. Shelters for the young and invalids will be discussed., CHILD ABUSE TOPIC AT NPB MEETING TONIGHT € '--'he Families Facing Change e Committee of the forth Palm Beach,,I -Branch of American Association of UniversityVW omen well hear an address by Mary Kay Murray, director of the Child's Place do,V,Mto n, West Palm Beachi`; Her talk will be devoted to child abuse and neglect. The program will be held at the NPB Village council Chamber at ),30 p.m. this evening Marc.