Miss Susan Dahlbert in concert program 3-14-80Our special thanks to the North Palm Beach oranch of The American Association of Uniueristy Women for their valuable help and cooperation in making this evening possible. Thanks to Bobb's Piano's and Organs who have given so generously of the s., c X and the piano Miss Dahlberg has used. We c.,,preciaLe all (---- ie help we have received from so many, and we especially c -eciate your being with us this evening. May this time be a ) of great joy to each of you, and the bless- ings of God be upor. -) u. The Scholars, p Committee COMMUNITY ' " 'T' CHURCH OF CHRIST COMMUNITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST of Lake Park, Florida presents MISS SUSAN DAHLBERG in Concert for the BENEFIT OF THE SCHOLARSHIP FUND of COMMUNITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Friday, March 14, 1980 at Bobb's Piano and Organ Studio SUSAN DAHLBERG Miss Susan Dahlberg is a 1976 graduate of Jupiter High School and will receive her B.M. degree in Piano Per- formance this spring from the University of Maryland where she studies with the well known Dr. Melita True. Through competition, she was awarded a $10,000 Piano Performance scholarship to DePauw University in Indiana where she was the piano con-- certo winner in her freshman year and performed with the '4- 0, YVI - uerauw University Y phony Orchestra. Susan has won the Greater Washington D.C. district competition of Sigma Alpha Iota, honorary music sorority, for the past two years and was a finalist in the Homer Ulrich com- petition. She has also performed in Master classes given by Charles Rosen and Eugine List at the University of Maryland's International Piano Festival and with Ralph Votapek at Florida Atlantic University. In addition to being a member of Sigma Alpha Iota, Susan belongs to Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma honor frater- nities, the Friday Morning Music Club, and Delta Delta Delta social sorority. We welcome each of you with us this evening, and remind you that your donation is for The United Church of Christ Scholarship Fund, a fund that is set up by Community United Church of Christ in Lake Park to help worthy students attend the college or techni- cal school of their choice, as well as giving a monthly stipend to each of the men and women who are enrolled in seminary. To date three of our members have entered into full time Christian Service from this Church. PROGRAM ERNST KRENEK Funf Klavierstucke (1900- Op. 39, Nos. 1)3)5 LUDWIG van BEETHOVEN Sonata in C -sharp Minor (1770 -1827) Op. 27, No. 2 FRANZ LISZT (1811-1886) INTERMISSION Un Sospiro La Chasse The Rev. Dr. Walter W. Wynkoop MAURICE RAVEL Sonatine (1905) (1875 -1937) Six Preludes 0 13 ALEXANDER SCRIABIN (1872- 1915) Etude, Op. 8, No. 12