Installation Luncheon May 22, 1971Time Out For Coffee Members of the North Palm Beach Branch of the Ameri- can Association of Uni- versity Women honored the North County Cho- ral Society Thursday with a coffee. From left, Mrs. David Berry and Mrs. Jerry Guf fey, who organized the event; and Mrs. Carl Kah, at whose North Palm Beach home the coffee was held. (Staff photo by Ed Slater.) 4 Time Out For Coffee Members of i North Palm Bec Branch of the Ami can Association of U versity Women hono, the North County C, ral Society Thurso ,with a coffee. Fro left, Mrs. David Be, and Mrs. Jerry Guff who organized t event; and Mrs. C, Kah, at whose Noi Palm Beach home t coffee was held. (St, photo by Ed Slater.) IVAPUMI BEACII AIUUIU C S 0 0 0 T YVP TBIL-VIM-ISITY YZ' 24:2' 2 1,9741.