Installation Dinner May 15, 1967i A P R C RAM e m �.y 15, 1967 PRESIDING Mrs. Eugene Lehmann INVOCATION Mrs. Robert white AMXRI CAN ASSOCIATION INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS OF Mrs. J. Edwin Obert PRESENTATION Mrs, John R�.gt� 5 Jre UNIVERSITY WOMEN s.e st tet. . . �+ ►** ►a sb rC rb h ra rn NORTH PALM BEACH s FLORIDA INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER Mrsi Robert white INSTALLATION DINNER GUEST SPEAKER T'�rS . T . J. Dr�ke 7x09 P. r�. MAY 155 1967 THE TWELVE POUND LOOK by James M. Barrie A Dramatic Reading; ! OWN '. .. - � J •fit• .d���1 �- _ _ AA UW Mrs. William Abbott will be installed president of the North Palm Teach branch of the America .- Association of University Women (AAUW), Monday eve ung at 7 during a dinner at the Bon Soir Res- taurant. Others taking office will be: + Miss M a r t h a. Popp, corre- sponding secretary; Mrs. James E. Barton, recording secretary. Continuing in of- fice for another term will be Mrs.. Robert White, first vice- president; Mrs. Fred Kohl- meyer, second vice-president and Mrs. John Rigg, Jr., trea- surer. Mrs. David Jones is chair- man of the event. Guest speaker will be Mrs. J. J. Drake of Lake Worth. Mrs. Drake will present a dramatic reading entitled "The Twelve Pound Look."