Holiday Events Are Held At Brazilian Court HotelPalm Beach Daily News, Thursday, December 21 1 qi�7 Paso
Al- -SnAZ1L1A1 ® Mr.
and Mrs. F r e d Kohl-
meyer enjoy the balmy
breezes in the patio at
the party held by the
American Association of
University Women re-
cently. Their current
project is the Palmi
Beach County Retarded
Children's Kindergar-
Holiday vents Are TJeld
At BJL ctZilian �ourtHotel
Brazilian Court Hotel offi-
cially opened its doors on
Sunday for its 37 consecutive
winter season. Two annual
holiday social events preced-
ed the hotel opening. Mem-
bers and guosts of the well-
known Islanders Club of
Mrs. Tscheng S. Feng, wife, Palm Beach staged a formal
of the West Palm Beach surf cocktail art and
P dinner
geon, will discuss "The Lan-", da: aFAN
y evening.
guage and Customs of China On Saturday evening, the
Monday night, when she University Women of North
speaks before the members palm Beach held their annual
of the North Palm Beach Christmas party for the third
Branch of the American As- year at the Brazilian Court.
sociation of University Wo-
men at their 8 p.m. meeting.
The program will be held,
at the First Federal Savfngs and Loan Association in Lake
Park and is open to the pub-
Mrs. Feng, native of Cheefo
in Shantung Province, at-
tended an American mis-
sionary high school and was
awarded a full scholarship
to Agnes Scott College in De-
catur, Ga. She graduated in
1953 with a major in music.
The North Palm Beach
Branch of AAUW members
are looking forward to their,
annual holiday dinner dance
for members and husbands'.
which has been scheduled
Dec. 17 at the Brazilian Court
Hotel in Palm Beach.
Mrs. Donald Dahlberg,
chairman of the event, has
announced that J. E. Bur-
rows and his combo will pro-
vide music for the holiday
"Should China Be Admitted
to the United Nations'.'" will
be the topic of a panel discus-
sion scheduled Monday eve-
ning by the North Palm
Beach Branch of the Ameri-
can Association of University
W o m e n, (AAUW), at the
First Federal Savings and
L o a n Association of I.,ake
Participating in the 8 p.m.
program will be Mrs. Harold
Tiedemann, M i s s Martha
Popp, Mrs. Arthur St. John
and Mrs. Itobert White.
The event is open to the
University Warren
"The Setting: the Where,
What and WhY of Ch_1na"will
be the topic of the Monday
meeting of the North Palm
Beach Branch of American
Association of University
Women to be held at the
First Federal Savings and
Loan Association in Lake
Those planning to partici-
pate in the 8 p.m. program
ex ent include Mrs. Edward
Sharp, Mrs. Benjamin West
and Mrs. K e i t h Cloyed.
Mrs. William Abbott is
chairman of the session.
In addition to the regular
monthly meetings, the or-
ganization conducts a series
of four different study
An art history study
group under the leadership
of Mrs. Donald Robin and
a book discussion group
with Mrs. H a r o l d Tiede-
mann as chairman, are also
part of this year's study
'.she branch chose "Revolution in
Modern 1(;hina". We had many excel-
lent study group sessions on China Rlus
good attendance at our dine arts and
book study groups. We are -)ti-11 helping
with the remedial reading program at
a local school. The branch gave a
$500.00 named gift to fellowships in
honor of Thelma Obert, former presi-
dent of the branch.
The next regular meeting
of the NPB Branch of Ameri-
can Association of University
Women will bd held on Mon-
day, October 17, at 8 p.m.
at the First Federal Savings
and Loan Association in Lake
Park. The topic of this meet-
ing will be "The Setting: the
Where, What and Why of Chi-
na." Those participating in
the program will be Mrs. Ed-
ward Sharp, Mrs. Benjamin
West and Mrs. Keith Cloyed
with Mrs. William Abbott as
In addition to the regular
monthly meetings, the organi-
zation conducts a series of
four different study groups,
two of which are based on
the year's topic, "Revolution
in Modern China." An art his-
tory study group, under the
leadership of Mrs. Donald
Robin, which meets the
fourth Monday of each month
and a book discussion group
with Mrs. Harold Tiedemann
as chairman which is held
on the second Sunday of the
month are also part of this
year's study program.
AAUW PRESIDENT Mrs. William W. Abbott
president of the local chapter of the American
Association of University Women, arrives at
Brazilian Court with her husband for Association
dinner. . (C-1 6- ( Bert and Richard Morgan
Hear Mrs. Feng
Mrs. Tscheng S. Feng,
wife of the West Palm Beach
surgeon, will be the guest
speaker at the next regular
meeting of the North Palm
Beach Branch of the Ameri-
can Association of Univer-
sity Women to be held on
Monday, November 21, at
8 P.M. at the First Federal
Savings and Loan Associa-
tion in Lake Park. Her topic
will be "The Language and
Customs of China.'
Mrs. Feng was born in
Cheefo in Shantung Province.
She attended an American
missionary high school and
was awarded a full scholar-
ship to Agnes Scott College
In Decatur, Ga. She grad-
uated in 1953 with a major ;
in music. The public is in-
vited to hear Mrs. Feng
The Brazilian Court in
Palm Beach will be the set-
ting for the organization's
annual holiday dinner dance
to be held on Saturday, De-
cember 17, for members and
their husbands. Mrs. Donald
Dahlberg, who is in charge
of the arrangements, has an- a
nounced that J. E. Burrows
and his combo will provide
the music for this annual