Graduation Needn't Be The End of Education1.The End Of Education By DIEDRA VAN DUZEE Staff Writer If you think because you are no longer making the campus scene study, action, and fun are things of the past then explore the possibilities of the American Association of University Women (AAUW). The variety of opinions and personalities in AAUW of the North Palm Beaches is reflected in their diverse projects. They conduct study groups on themes from art to law, were the impetus behind the establishment of the North Palm Beach Library, members help out with corrective classes at Alamanda Elementary School, work with the Palm Beach County Association for' Retarded Children's Development, and parties are not unknown. continuing project in AAUW is the study groups which fulfill one of the purposes of the organization — intellectual growth. These sessions are open to the public. The. Theme For This Year ri Soc,1'ety's Reflection In A This year's theme is "Society's Reflec- tion ih the Arts". According to Mrs. William Ahbbbtt president, every two years the nation- al "AAUW chooses four possible themes. "E ach branch sends what they want to study to national which sifts through and weed out to come up with four topics and the local organizations select one." The national recommends books and films at the conventions and ways to carry out the themes. A local member with an interest in the subject pursues it and con- ducts the study groups, she explained. "This year the groups are designed to give people more exposure to the arts," Mrs. Keith Cloyed, chairman said. "You can do almost anything with a study group," she continued. For their first study group they had a "happening." Pop art posters hung around the room anis a high school French teacher wandered about reading poetry. Other sessions have included, reflections in modern art, reflections in dramas. reflec- tions in architecture. Coming up will be reflec- tions in the dance and the. last session is an overall ..discussion of the study groups. Study- groups help you keep up on things, you can at least appear bright, she smiled. One year we had members simply" d`s7. cuss interesting current events in the 'news. We discussed Vietnam long before it .,was such a publicized controversy. "You,'""...get a lot more out of something whenlT you discuss it with others," she remarked. Members Air Their Views Without Any Hesitation "The majority of members have opin- ions and no hesitations about stating them," Mrs. Abbott added with a mischievous laugh. Another purpose of AAUW is responsibili- ty to society. "AAUW is a spearheading: organization," Mrs. Herbert Gildan comment- ed. "It makes ao community aware of a problem and encourages people to be civicly responsible and do something about it." AAUW interested the community in starting the North Palm Beach Library and gathered support for it. They did ,a pilot study to see if one was needed aiW then held book fairs to raise money and; create interest, Mrs. Gildan, now chairman. of the village committee which runs the library, said. r To further community educatio.' "AAUV volunteers help at Alamanda School with children who have difficulties in reading. Right now they are helping in three classrooms in math and reading. "Some of the children's difficulties are neurologi- cal," Mrs. Howard McLean, chairman of the reading program said. Many of them areabove normal in intelligence but because of their special reading problems they have individual needs which can't be satisfied in an average size classroom. Our vplun- teers give them this individual attention." There Is A Fascination, In_ Working With, Children "You can see the children learning, they blossom with a little help," she said in her soft voice. "In working with these children patience is the key virtue but it really is rewarding. `You can see how a little attention makes so much difference and the children arelfasc18 i nating. A new. project this year is wo 'king with retarded children, by helping Mrs. Tarn Wachtef with her classes held in S`V. Markt Episcopal Church, Burns Road, Palm Beach Gardens. "This is a new program for AAUW but who is better able to do this sort 9f thing," Mrs. George Bonner, chm"Irman said. We' have all kinds of talent in AAUW." "It is primarily a kindergarden program so the children can eventually go to Royal Palm School, Mrs. Wachtef said. "I train them to take care of themselves, teach them manners, and cleanliness. It is a tre- mendous program if people would take' ad- vantage of it. There is great improvement in the children." "I was surprised the work some of them, have done," Mrs. Bonner said dis- playing a drawing by one little girl.- Future Flans To Include Creative Dramatics Program University women are obviously inter- ested in children. In the future they plan to bring cultural affairs to children. "We hope to get creative dramatics started," Mrs. Cloyed said. "We are planning to have a children's art show and use art from the north county schools," Mrs. Abbott added. Most people in AAUW do a lot of other things, there are a lot. of membersinvolved in adult education programs. But we do a little socializing once in a while," she said twinkii"Ir-