Doris Karlik Heads ALCWReligious News,
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Doris Karlik of 4640 Holly Drive,
Palm. Beach Gardens, a member of
Nativity Lutheran Church, 4075 Hol-
ly Drive, Palm Beach Gardens, re-
cently was elected and installed
president of the Southeastern Dis-
trict , of the American Lutheran
Church Women (ALCW)
She was elected and installed at
the constituting convention of the
19th District held recently at Trinity
Lutheran Church in Kissimmee. The
new district includes 39 churches in
seven states and the Bahamas.
Mrs. Karlik served as president of
the Florida -Bahamas Conference for
the past three years and was ap-
pointed to the task f orce last June to
organize the new district.
Elaine Donaldson, national ALCW
president from Minnesota, installed
the officers at the closing service of
the constituting convention. Bishop
David Wolber, former pastor of Na-
tivity church, preached the sermon
and was celebrant. Both the Rev.
Peter Zieg and the Rev. Luther
Swanson, pastors of Trinity church,
dministered communion to the 306
attending. Mrs. Doaldson and Mrs.
Karlik were lay assistants.
Pastor Steve Rust of Nativity at-
tended the convention, the theme of
which was, "People of God -- The
Rainbow is Corning." Nativity
church's Junior Choir opened the
convention %vith the musical, "100%
Chance of Rain" — the Story of
Noah. Joy Faust directed and accom-
panied on the piano.
•The North palm Beach Branch of
the American Association of Univer-
sity Women will hold their monthly
meeting on Monday, November 17,
8.00 p.m. at the Citizens Building
located next to the North Palm Beach
Library, North Palm Beach, Florida.
Women in News - "AnEta's World
in Reverse" will. be the program
1 topic. AnEta Sewell, a familiar face
for local T.V. viewers, will be our
guest in a take -off on her own
program., "AnEta's World." The
tables will be turned when AnEta
becomes the guest and our own Peggy
Campbell becomes, the hostess.
Public is invited to attend.