AAUW Plans Eighth AnniversaryChinese Painting Next Monday Mrs, C o Donald Robin will be the speaker at the next regular meeting of the North Palm Beach Branch of the American Association of University Women to be held on Mon- day, February 20, at the Community Room, 500 U. S o Highway One, Lake Park at 8 a.m. Her topic will be "The Way of I Mrs. Berr y Chinese Painting",, The public is invited, Mrs. Robin has a BoA, degree from Western Reserve University. She has studied painting in Connecticut under Val- erian Yavorsky and Wil- liam C owing and portrait- ure under James Mallory Willson at the Norton School of Art. She is cur- rently lecturing in Art History and Appreciation for the AAUW as well as teaching drawing and painting and executing commissions in portrait- ure and still life in her home studio. She has been To Lead Fine Arts chairman of f Palm 13eacn witn tneir two children, Mrs. Robin will also Mrs. David C. Berry will lead the regular monthly lead the December meeting Ii meeting of the NP AAUW of the North Palm Beach 0 . _a Art History and Ap- Branch of the American As Art stud rou on sociation of University Wo- p y g p men. The theme of the .Monday, February 27 at meeting will be Chinese Mu- I sic. Included in the program will be the history and de- scription of Chinese musical instruments both ancient and modern, such as the Hu Ching pictured here with Mrs. Berry. This instrument has been loaned to the or- , ganization by Oriental Im- ports. The group will also hear authentic Chinese folk music and opera. The pro- gram will close with a trio consisting of Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Norman Fowle and Mrs. Don Pearson singing "Stars of Ice" the first Chi- nese Christmas carol ever written. The meeting will be held �. on Monday, December 12 at Mrs. Donald Dahlberg's home which has an oriental theme providing an appropri- ate setting for the program. Implementation Fellowships 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Bernice Wadepuhl in Palin Beach Gardenso Her t''opic will be "The Worlc in Order", study of the High Renaissance, AAUW Plans Eighth Anniversary Having been founded Feb- ruary 19, 1959 the North Palm Beach Branch of the Ameri- can Association of University Women will soon celebrate its e i g h t h anniversary. The founders were members of the Palm Beach County Branch of AAUW who resided in North Palm Beach and in- clude Mrs. H a r o l d Beery, Mrs. Thomas Hart, Mrs. J. Edwin Obert, Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. Clair A. Thomas. The Branch received its na- tional charger on October 29, 1959 with the following char- ter members: Mrs. William Abbott, Mrs. William Barnett, Mrs. Harold Beery, Mrs. Les- lie Churchill, Mrs. Keith Cloyed, Mrs. Howard Crab- tree, Mrs. John Dower, Mrs. Lewis Emerson, Mrs. Herbert Gildan, Mrs. Thomas Hart, Pictured above are presidents, Mrs. Ed - Mrs. Eugene Lehmann, ward Sharp, Mrs. J. president of the NPB Edwin Olbert and Mrs. AAUW and the. past Herbert Gildan. �. Albert Keller, Mrs. Eu- Duzee. Lehmann, Mrs. J. Ed- The with all its ramifications. aert, Mrs. Donald Rob- threefold purposes of At the national level, the AAUW is: continuation of in- Fellowships program has en- 's. Edmund Rodman, tellectual growth, advance- listed the greatest support ax Schilling, Mrs. Ed- ment of women and the as- a n d enthusiasm. Approxi - Sharp, Mrs. William sumption of responsibility for ne, Mrs. Harold Tiede- mately 100 fellowships are community progress. This in- and Mrs. Lowell 'Van clue furthering education awarded annually, about half of which are given to foreign women to study in the United :States. These stipends Watsp on Duncan amount to about $300,000 per year. Fellowships are sup - ported by contributions from ill�a� p AAUW branches throughout the United States �WATSON and from interest on a three million d o l l AAUW " DUNG AN T V6 atson B. Duncan III will a r endowment Locally the North °next be the guest speaker at the Palm Beach Branch took the lead «- tO talk regular meeting of the North Palm Beach branch of - ership in forming the North on literature the American Association of Palm Beach l i b r a rThe y tto University Women to be held., 'group did a feasibility study, x on Monday, January 16 at 8 determine the need for, .� and interest in a local library. N�'B AA UTA Savings and Loan Association . Subsequently the AAUW Li- in Lake Park. The subject brary Committee invited all "The Literature of China" of his talk will be "The Liter- community organizations to help with this project, and will be discussed by Watson B, ature of China." The public is invited. Mr. Duncan the North Palm Beach Li - Duncan III, head of the Depart- will speak at 8:30. brary Society was formed. ment of English; Speech and Mr. Duncan is head ; AAUW continues to aid and Drama at Palm Beach Junior of the department suppo?t the librar" Y. y College, at a program Monday at the First Federal Savings of English, Speech and Drama at Palm Stud . y groups, open to the and Loan Association in Lake Beach Junior College and has public, are conducted each year. Park. The 8:30 p.m. talk is open been at the junior college for twenty years. His A.B. and The proposed Baptist Col - r lege is supported by AAUW to the public and will be pre- by M.A. degrees were received from the University of South North Palm Beach AAU ceded a s h o r t branch Carolina H maintains a file of Arsons F - A.A,V,W, MEET SATURDAY The next regular meet- ing of the North Palm. Beach Branch of the American Association of University Women will be a Spring Luncheon at the PGA Country Club, Sat- i urday, the, 18th, at 12:15 pamo Members, their guests, prospective members and study group members are BOARD MEMBER Mrs. Joseph Heath Miss Martha Popp Legislative Mrs. H.H. Crabtree, Jr. Policy Making Mrs. J.E. Obert meeting. invited. The guest speak- er will -be Emmet Rob- erts, Florida State Wel- fare Director. Mr. Rob- erts is a former Palm Beach County legislator. Election of officers will also take place at this meeting, S — e has studied at the Shakespeare Institute at Stratford-upon-Avon in Eng- land and is considered an out- standing Shakespeare schol- ar. Mr. Duncan is a well- known educator, teacher and author as well as a popular lecturer and book reviewer. Bulletin Mrs. John Beach Area Representatives World Problems Mrs. William Abbott Community Prob . Mrs. Edward Sharp Parliamentarian Mrs. James Callahan Cultural Interests Mrs. Wm , Shick Publicity Mrs. Rildo Garell Hospitality Mrs. Jerry Guf f ey Education Mrs. James Fisher available a n d qualified to speak to children of elemen- tary and high school age on ' many educational topics. At present, members are giving many hours of time at Allamanda Elementary School in Palm. Beach Gar- dens helping teachers with their outstanding remedial program. Present officers include: President, Mrs. Eugene Leh - m an n; 1st Vice -President, Mrs. Robert White; 2nd Vice - President; Mrs. Fred Kohl- meyer; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Robert Atherton; Corre- sponding Sec'y, Mrs. Keith Cloyed; and Treasurer, Mrs. John Rigg Jr. AAU_V'V .�..:. e NORTH PALM BEACH The N o r t h Palm Beach Branch of (AAUW) will hear j Mrs. David C. Berry in a pro- gram of Chinese music Mon- day during the meeting scheduled at Mrs. Dor. ald Dahlberg's home, 561 Anchor- age Drive, North Palm Beach. Mrs. Berry's presentation will include a little history r and description of ancient and modern Chinese musical instruments. A highlight of the program will be a trio — Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Norman Fowle and Mrs. Don Pearson -- in a rendition of "Stars of Ice," said tc be the first Chinese Christmas carol to be written. mo'(1-ti.ng begins at 8 p.r n. aha wil be followed by the � program.