10th Anniversary10 YKARS 01LD FRIDAY -- Mrs. Wfilliam Abbott Oeft) president of the Narth Palm Beach 'I'liDranch of the American Association of Univ erssity Women, Is organizing a dinner party Friday in the French Room of the Colonnades Beach Hotel, Singer Island. The dinner marks the club's 100h year. Assisting with the plans are Mrs. J. Edwin Obert, a past president, and Mrs. Edward M. Sharp, the group's first president, NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATIOK OF UNIVERSITY WOMEY TENTH AKNIVERSARY DINNER COLONNADES HOTEL FEBRUARY 28# 1969 YEARS OLD FRIDAY — Mrs. William A?'T-�,boft ;left) President -A the North Palm each branch of the American Ass-eciationa of University Women, is organizing a dinner party Friday in the French Room of the Colonnades Beach Hotel, Singer Island. The d1nner marks the club's 10th year. Assisting with the plans are Mrs. J. Edwin Obert, a past president, and Mrs. Edward M. Sharp, the group's first pres). dent. a,� l -me 0-, Itice