'Heidi' To Aid Baptist Fund`Heidi' To Aid Baptist Fund---
Club Editor
Breathes there a woman or
girl who hasn't either read
Johanna Spyri's "Heidi" or
y seen the film versions based
on that book?
One of those films will be
shown at several area ele-
mentary schools Friday and
Saturday by the North Palm
Beach Branch of the Ameri-
can Association of University
Women (AAUW). Proceeds
will be donated to the Baptist
College Fund.
The 90-minute color film,
entitled "Heidi and Peter",
will be shown on Friday at
the Lake Park Elementary
school from 6 to 8 p.m.
Saturday showings will be
as follows: Allamanda Ele-
mentary School, 9:30 to 11
a.m.; North Palm Beach Ele-
mentary School, 1 to 3 p.m.
and Palm Beach Gardens El-
ementary School, 6 to 8
On Wednesday, branch
members will hear Alton
Murray, chief counselor for
the Juvenile Court, speak at
their meeting at the First
Federal Savings and Loan As-
sociation of Lake Park.
Murray's topic at the 8 p.m.
program will be on ,juvenile
delinquency. The meeting is
open to the public.
State Attorney Thomas H.
Johnson will be the guest
speaker at Monday's meeting
of the North Palm Beach
Branch of the American Asso-
ciation of University Women
(AAUW) at 8 p.m. at the First
Federal Savings and Loan As-
sociation in Lake Park.
The program is open to the
public. A brief business meet-
ing will follow.
The branch is •currently
sponsoring study,groV9.. in the
areas of art ap� . iation,
great books, current issues
and special interests. Persons
interested, in participating in
these groups may contact
Mrs. Leslie Churchill, 505
D5flftwood Road.
The local chapter of the
American Association of
University Women has
announced that they now
maintain a file of persons
who will speak to children
of elementary and high
school age on topics of
their own choosing, rang-
ing from astronomy to
world travel. Copies of
this file have been dis-
tributed to area schools
and the N.P.B. library
for the convenience of
the public. Anyone who
would like to be included
in this file may contact
Mrs. Allan Everard, 867
Fathom Ct., 848-7289.
To Hear Attorney
Women Will
Hear _ Murray
A.A.UX To Hear
State Attorney.. Murray'
r for the
State Attorney Thomas
month at 8 p.m' • ijl.,-the County
H. Johnson will discuss
North Palm Beach Lib- , will be
our judicial system plac-
rary. Mrs. Leslib. Chur- the Feb-
ing special emphasis on
chill is leading the Cur- ; of the
the Florida Court System
rent Issues and Special Beach
at the general meeting of
Interests meetings held .merican
the North Palm Beach
the first and third Wed- of Uni-
Branch of the American
nesdays from 9: 30 - 11:30 1 at the
Association of University
a.m, at the North Palm Savings
Women to be held at the
Beach Senior Citizens iation at
First Federal Savings and
building. Call Churchill 8 P.M.,
Loan Association building
at 848-2648 for further
in Lake Park on Monday,
information. ill speak
Nov. 15 at 8 p.m. The
meeting will be open to
Delinquency in Palm
the public.
Beach County and AAUW
Johnson, partner in the
will be happy to have in-
law firm of Cromwell,
terested members of the
Remsen and Johnson of
community take this op -
Riviera Beach, is the for-
portunity to hear Mr.
mer Municipal Judge of
Palm Beach 'Shores, Ad
On Saturday Feb-
Litem in the Municipal
ruary 5, Mrs. Eugene
Court of Riviera Beach
Lehmann, President,
and is also the chairman
Mrs. William Abbott,
of the Criminal Law Com-
Mrs. Rildo Garell, Mrs.
mittee of the Palm Beach
Robert White, Mrs,
Law Association.
Benjamin West, and
The Branch also spon-
Mrs. L. G. Van Duzee
sors study groups which
attended an AAUW Area
are open to the public,
meeting at Pompano
Currently Mrs. Donald
Beach. Mrs. Edith Sher -
Robin conducts Art Ap-
rard, from the Asso-
preciation Seminars the
ciation's Educational
first Monday of each
Center in' Washington,
month at 8 p.m. The Great
conducted an instructive
Books Study Group led by
workshop. -
Mrs. Robert White meets
the second Sunday of each
with two of the posters they helped to prepare.
The North Palm
Beach Branch of the
American Association
lof University Women
Will sponsor a child-
ren's movie in order to
raise funds for the pro-
posed Baptist sponsored
college. The awardwin-
ning film, "Heidi and
Peter," will be shown
at various north county
'schools on Feb. 25 and
26. Each child who at-
tends will be asked to
donate 25� to the Baptist
sponsored College Fund
Raising Campaign. The
principal of each school
will donate his time to
the fund by acting as
projectionist of the film.
The 90-minute color
film has won the Par-
ents Magazine Family
Medal Award. The mo-
vie depicts the further
adventures of Heidi and
Peter rased on the book
by Johanna Spyri. Tjae
story is a new and de-
lightful tale about the
children and is set in
the beautiful Swiss Alps.
The filmwill be shown
at the following places
and times: Lake Park
Elementary, Friday,
Feb, 25, 6 to 8 p.m.;
AUamanda Elementary,
Saturday, Feb, 26, 9: 30-
11:30 a.m.; NorthTPaIm
Beach Elementary, Sat-
urday, Feb. 26, 1 - 3
p.m, and Palm Beach
Gardens Elementary,
Saturday, Feb. 26, 6 -
8 p.m.
The president of the
North Palm Beach AA-
UW branch is Mrs. Eug-
ene Lehmann. General
chairman for this fund
raising event is Mrs.
Fredrick Kohlmeyer.
Helping Mrs. Kohl-
meyer are Mrs. Joseph
Heath Jr., publicity
chairman and Mrs. Da-
vid Jones, who is in
charge of posters.
AAUW To Begin
Bridge Parties
The North Palm Beach branch
of the American Association of
University Women (AAUW) will
hold a series of bridge parties
Thursday beginning at 8 p.m.
for the benefit of the AAUW
fellowship program.
The parties, consisting of
three tables at each house, will
be given at the homes of Mrs.
Jean Pappalardo, Mrs. Edmund
Rodman, Mrs. William Sunshine,
Mrs. Howard McLean, Mrs. Ray-
mond Marlet, Mrs. Harold Gib-
son, Mrs. Max Schilling, Mrs.
Albert Strauss, Mrs. Frederick
Aluisy, and Mrs. Henry Nevu-
Those interested in playing
bridge may contact Mrs. Frank
Spence or the nearest hostess
for reservations. The association
will resume its monthly meet-
ings Monday at 8 p.m. at the
First Federal Savings and Loan
building in Lake Park.
AAUW Women Meet Monday
Mrs. William Abbott,
820 Country Club Dr.,
North Palm Beach, will
be hostess for the gen-
eral meeting of the
North Palm Beach
Branch of the American
Association of Univer-
sity Women on Monday,
Mar. 21, at 8 p.m.
This month's meet-
ing will be informative
and social. Mrs. Phil-
lip Wooley, Mrs. J. E.
Obert and Mrs. Harvard
Crabtree will discuss
the important programs
of the local branch and
the National Association
primarily those concer-
ned with legislation, fel-
lowships forwomenwith
advanced degrees and
local study groups.
"Heidi' To Aid Baptist Fund
Club Editor
Breathes there a woman or
girl who hasn't either read
Johanna Spyri's "Heidi" or
seen the film versions based
on that book?
One of those films will be
shown at several area ele-
mentary schools Friday and
Saturday by the North Palm
Beach Branch of the Ameri-
can Association of University
Women (AAUW). Proceeds
will be donated to the Baptist
College Fund.
The 90-minute color film,
entitled "Heidi and Peter",
will be shown on Friday at
the Lake Park Elementary
school from 6 to 8 p.m.
Saturday showings will be
as follows: Allamanda Ele-
mentary School, 9:30 to 11
a.m.; North Palm Beach Ele-
mentary School, 1 to 3 p.m.
and Palm Beach Gardens El-
ementary School, 6 to 8
On Wednesday, branch
members will hear Alton
Murray, chief counselor for
the Juvenile Court, speak at
their meeting at the First
Federal Savings and Loan As-
sociation of Lake Park.
Murray's topic at the 8 p.m.
program will be on juvenile
delinquency. The meeting is
open to the public.
with two of the posters they helped to prepare.
The North Palm
Beach Branch of the
American Association
TO BENEFIT COLLEGE — Showings of "Heidi and Peter" will of University Women
benefit the Baptist College Fund. Mrs. Eugene Lehmann of Lake will sponsor a child-
ren's movie in order to
Park and Mrs. Fred Kohlmeyer of North Palm Beach, members of raise funds for the pro -
the North Palm Beach Branch of American University Women, the posed Baptist sponsored
sponsoring organization, put up a poster advertising the film. zzollege. The awardwin-
b fie yrt-. ,erCn
11 AA U r r - To,:. HeaA
State Attorney Thomas H.
Johnson will be the guest
speaker at Monday's meeting
of the North Palm Beach
Branch of the American Asso-
ciation of University Women
(AAUW) at 8 p.m, at the First
Federal Savings and Loan As-
sociation in Lake Park.
The program is open to the
public. A brief business meet-
ing will follow.
The branch is .currently
sponsoring study-grcvq}ls, in the
areas of art apt &iation,
great books, current issues
and special interests. Persons
interested, in participating in
these groups may contact
Mrs.. Leslie Churchill, 505
Di7ft« ood Road.
The local chapter of the
American Association of
University Women has
announced that they now
maintain a file of persons
who will speak to children
of elementary and high
school age on topics of
their own choosing, rang-
ing from astronomy to
world travel. Copies of
this file have been dis-
tributed to area schools
and the N.P.B. library
for the convenience of
the public. Anyone who
would like to be included
in this file may contact
Mrs. Allan Everard, 867
Fathom Ct., 848-7289.
the t
at t thepl ease s
Bra. i Name
Won Add res
Firs i C i ty
Loan _
in L;
Nov. „
meet.„g will be open to
the public.
Johnson, partner in the
law firm of Cromwell,
Remsen and Johnson of
Riviera Beach, is the for-
mer Municipal Judge of
Palm Beach 'Shores, Ad
Litem in the Municipal
Court of Riviera Beach
and is also the chairman
of the Criminal Law Com-
mittee of the Palm Beach
Law Association.
The Branch also spon-
sors study groups which
are open to the public.
Currently Mrs. Donald
Robin conducts Art Ap-
preciation Seminars the
first Monday of each
month at 8 p.m. The Great
Books Study Group led by
Mrs. Robert White meets
the second Sunday of each
_,wing film, "Heidi and
Peter," will be shown
at various north county
schools on Feb. 25 and
26. Each child who at-
tends will be asked to
A on ey donate 250 to the Baptist
sponsored College Fund
Raising Campaign. The
principal of each school
will donate his time to
the fund by acting as
University projectionist of the film.
The 90-minute color
film has won the Par -
Women Will ents Magazine Family
Medal Award. The mo-
vie depicts the further
Hear Murray adventures of Heidi and
Peter 'based on the book
Mr. Alton Murra by Johanna Spyri. T e
y, story is a new and de -
Chief Counselor for the
Palm Beach County
Juvenile Court, will be
the speaker at the Feb-
ruary meeting of the
North Palm Beach
ure Branch of the American
Association of Uni-
versity Women at the
First Federal Savings
and Loan Association at
Lake Park at 8 p.m.,
-- February 21.
Mr. Murray will speak
C on problems of Juvenile
Delinquency in Palm
Beach County and AAUW
will be happy to have in-
terested members of the
community take this op-
portunity to hear Mr.
On Saturday Feb-
ruary 5, Mrs. Eugene
Lehmann, President,
Mrs. William Abbott,
Mrs. Rildo Garell, Mrs.
Robert White, Mrs.
Benjamin West, and
Mrs. L. G. Van Duzee
attended an AAUW Area
meeting at Pompano
Beach. Mrs. Edith Sher-
rard, from the Asso-
ciation's Educational
Center in' Washington,
conducted an instructive
lightful tale about the
children and is set in
the beautiful Swiss Alps.
The film -will be shown
at the following places
and times: Lake Park
Elementary, Friday,
Feb. 25, 6 to 8 p.m.;
ALlamanda Elementary,
Saturday, Feb, 26.9:30-
11:30 a.m.; North`PaIm
Beach Elementary, Sat-
urday, Feb. 26, 1 - 3
p.m. and Palm Beach
Gardens Elementary,
Saturday, Feb. 26, 6 -
8 p.m.
The president of the
North Palm Beach AA-
UW branch is Mrs. Eug-
ene Lehmann. General
chairman for this fund
raising event is Mrs.
Fredrick Kohlmeyer.
Helping Mrs. Kohl-
meyer are Mrs. Joseph
Heath Jr., publicity
chairman and Mrs. Da-
vid Jones, who is in
charge of posters.
AAUW To Begin
Bridge Parties
The North Palm Beach branch
of the Ame.'ican Association of
University Women (AAUW) will
hold a series of bridge parties
Thursday beginning at 8 p.m.
for the benefit of the AAUW
fellowship program.
The parties, consisting of
three tables et each house, will
be given at the homes of Mrs.
Jean Pappalardo, Mrs. Edmund
Rodman, Mrs. William Sunshine,
Mrs. Howard McLean, Mrs. Ray-
mond Marlet, Mrs. Harold Gib-
son, Mrs. Max Schilling, Mrs.
Albert Strauss, Mrs. Frederick
Aluisy, and Mrs. Henry Nevu-
Those interested in playing
bridge may contact Mrs. Frank
Spence or the nearest hostess
for reservations. The association
will resume its monthly meet-
ings Monday at 8 p.m. at the
First Federal Savings and Loan
building in Lake Park.
AAUW Women Meet Monday
Mrs. William Abbott,
820 Country Club Dr.,
North Palm Beach, will
be hostess for the gen-
eral meeting of the
North Palm Beach
Branch of the American
Association of Univer-
sity Women on Monday,
Mar. 21, at 8 p.m.
This month's meet-
ing will be informative
and social. Mrs. Phil-
lip Wooley, Mrs. J. E.
Obert and Mrs. Harvard
Crabtree will discuss
the important programs
of the local branch and
the National Association
primarily those concer-
ned with legislation, fel-
lowships for women with
advanced degrees and
local study groups.