Arts Festival Viewed By Hundreds1. "Nature Morte", Hel-
William Shick, Mrs. Don -
en Butt; 2. "Floral #7",
ald Sirl,
Linda Nicolls; 3. "Cat
Arts Festival chairman
Nap", Bob Phelps.
was Mrs. William Shick;
Mrs. David Jones, per -
1. "Collage", William
spectus; Mrs. William Sun-
Haselmire; 2. "Gentle Gin-
shine, publicity; Mrs. Rob-
ny", B 1 o d w e n Cline;
ert Phillips, display ma-
x --
3. "Retrospect", Mildred
serials; Mrs. C. Donald r4=a
Robin, catalogue; M r s. rr_:
- - - -- -
- Ceramics:
Donald Dahlberg, press re-
Arts Festival Viewed
1. "Wheel Thrown Cov-
eyed Battle" Dodie Thay-
view, and Mrs. Joseph
Heath, cover design.
er; 2. "Hand Built Bottle",�,
y Hundreds
Madelaine Ryan; 3. "Wal-
rus", Nan Stuart.
Hundreds viewed t h e
Honorabel mention:
Arts Festival at the North
1. "Little Angel", Lu Bel -
Palm Beach Country Club
kin; 2. "Autumn Bouquet",
sponsored by the N or t h
Linda Nicolls; 3. "Still
Palm Beach Branch of the
"Bot -
Life, Joyce Lilly; 4. Bot
American Assn. of Univer-
tles' Margaret Morgan;
sity Women last Friday
5. "Dominique," Peggy
evening and Saturday.
Steves; 6. "Ryb o v i c h
Enthusiasts came great
Yatch," Ma A. Scott; 7.
distances to view the near-
"Moonlight Night," P e a rl
ly 200 works displayed.
Chandler; 8. "Old A i r
The following a w a r d s
Force Base," Rita DeLl-
given were:
lis; 9. "The Blue Cloth,"
Best of show - "Got a
Barbara Samlet; 10. "Still
Dog and His Name is
Life," Alvin Bennett; 11.
Blue,"9 Joe Amore.
"Swamp Birds," Margaret
Oil painting - realistic
Morgan; 12. "La Silla,"
June Lacks; 13. "Reflec--�
1. "Street Venders, Nas-
tions at Dawn," Joan Gil-
sau", Alison Foster; 2. "Got
lespie; 14. "Gideon" I, II,
a Dog and His Name is
III, (set), Ralph Huls; 15.
Blue", Joe Amore; 3.
"The Bridge," William
"Standing Figures", Rans-
H a s e 1 m i r e; 16. "Arma-
ford Pyle.
dillo," Madelaine Ryan.
Oil painting - abstract
The judges es were Mrs.
Paul Folsom, Mrs® Eric
1. "M for Moran", Ma-
Lundgren and Mrs. Max-
ra Wolff; 2. "Still Life",
well Evans.
r --
Louise Namura; 3.44Bas-
The jury of selection in-
key of Fruit",Lillian Lam-
cluded Mrs. David Jones,`
Mrs. Ernest Reinhold,
Mrs. C. Donald Robin, Mrs.