AAUW Study Groups CommenceAAUW To Hear Talk Today
r. NORITI PALM BEACH —extensively in Viet Nam will
appear in native costume and
Miss Harriet Arnold, one of the
illustrate her lecture with col -
nation's foremost women pho-
ored slides.
tographers, will present hbr lec- Her photo -essays have ap.
ture, "Viet Nam — From Sai- peared in many of the leading
gon to the Bamboo Curtain," at magazines in the U.S.
the general meeting of the
North Palm Beach Branch of
the American Association of
University Women (AAUW) 8
p.m. today at the First Federal ..........
Savings Building, Lake Park. ... ...
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Miss Arnold, who has traveled ........................... ..............
.......... ........
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Study-in-depth groups are func-
tioning in the North Palm Beach
Branch of the American Assn, of
University Women (AAUW), ac-
cording to Mrs. Herbert Gildan,
"Culture and Religion of South-
east Asis" is under study now,
directed by Mrs. Philip Wooley
and Mrs. Harold Tiedemann. This
includes detailed research in Hin-
duism, Buddhism and Islam, as
well as an examination of the
area's anthropology. This group
will present to the membership
a report on the art, music, dance
and literature of this area.
Mrs. Eugene Lehmann is cur-
rently leading a study group in
"Comparative Education: the
Occident and the Orient." The
findings of these members, who
are putting special emphasis on
southeastern Asia, will be pres-
ented in an unusual format at the
general meeting Saturday.
The first Fine Arts- Festival
sponsored by the AAUW will be
-held in November under the di-
rection of Mrs. William Shick.
,Area artists will be invited to
display their work, she said.
Arts Festival
Set Saturda.,
North Palm Beach. Branc'�
of the American Association
of University omen Wil'
sponsor an Arts Festival!
Saturday from 10 A.M. to 9!
P.M. at the Old Country Club
Art Center.
Mrs. Herbert L. Gildan is
president of this group, made
up largely of younger women
with young families.
Mrs. William Schick, gen-
eral chairman of the festival,
says that all themembers are
art minded and many of
them are artists.
Mrs. Schick 'herself, a grad-
uate of Ohio State, paints in
oils -
and is also. interested in
Also on the committee is
Mrs. Ernest Reinhold, who
has degrees from Alabama U.
and Florida State. She is also
a pc -Linter.
Mrs. David Jones, (Ohio
State) had training as a com-
mercial artist, but is also
interested in other branches,
Mrs. C. D. Robin, Western
Reserve, likes portrait work.
When organized in 1959.
there were just a few mem-'
bers. Now there are 52,
AAUW Study
Groups Commence
Depth study groups are
under way in the N o r t h
Palm Beach Branch of the
A.A.U.W. according to
Mrs. Herbert Gildan., pres-
U n d e r the direction of
Mrs. Philip Wooleyas�
sisted by Mrs. Harold
Tiedemann, members are
studying the Culture and
Religion of Southeast Asia.
The anthropology of the
area is being examined.
Detailed research is being
conducted in Hinduism*
Buddhism and Islam. At a
later date this group will
relate the art -
,, music, dance
and literature of this
Mrs. Eugene Lehmann
currently is leading a study
group in Comparative Ed-
ucation, the Occident and
the Orient with special em-
phasis on southeastern
Asia. The findings of these