AAUW Salutes National Library WeekThe Presidents of four American Association of University Women (AAUW) branches in Palm
Beach County were hostesses at a Saturday coffee honoring the national AAUW president,
Dr. Blanche H. Dow, at the Palm Beach Towers. Shown from left are Mrs. Herbert L. Gildan'
North Palm Beach branch; Mrs. A. C. Huber, Gulfstream; Mrs. Carl leaman, Palm, Beach
County; and Mrs. G. Ballard Simmons, Boca Raton.
AAUW Luncheon
Saturday In
Mrs. Alan Rush, Florida
Division secretary of the
American Association of
University Women., will ad-
dress the annual Fellow-
ship Luncheon in the Gold
Room of the North Palm
Beach Country Club Sat-
urday, April 18 at 12:30 p.m.
Mrs. J. Edwin Obert.,
local fellowship chairman.,
who has recently returned
from an around the World
cruise, will relate her re-
ception in the many coun-
tries she Visited by the In-
ternational Federation of
University Women
Arrangements for the
luncheon are being made by
Mrs. William Barnett
Mrs. James Fisher,
AAUW Salutes
National Library Week
The North Palm Beach
:branch of the American
Association Of University
Women is saluting national
library week, April 12-19.,
by sponsoring the state tra-
veling exhibit of over 700
new childrens' books at the
. . . . . . . . . . . .
NPB Library in the Old
Country Club Building.
This exhibit features newly
..,-..,.,published childrens books
;for all ages.
The traveling exhibit is
.;Compiled by the Florida
State Library in Tallahas-
see to provide parents and
children with the opportun-
ity to become acquainted
with the variety and quality
:of new material. It is hoped
:'the exhibit will serve as a
buying guide' for families
and that' they will keep this
'library week's slogan in
1 001 , III :mind. ."Reading is the
The traveling exhibit will
open to the public Sunday at
2 P.m. and will remain open
all through National Li-
brary Week.
The public is invited to
see the 700 volume Florida
State Traveling Book dis-
play until -Sunday, April 19
at the Village. Library in
the Old
Country Club on
U.S® #1.
These are books E.
released by the pub -
Al lishers to acquaint the pub-
lic with new releases and to
serve as a future buying