University Women's preident honored by NP clubG R t"g�,, �riY,•.��,�,�,� s '` 'tea � / i University omeit s president honore d b Y North Palm Club Mrs, H. R. Torrance, pre- ced that the Nlay meeting will sident of the Florida Division )e a musicale in her home to of American Association of vhich members and their hus- University Women, was guest wands are invited. at a luncheon given Saturday Preceeding the luncheon a by the North Palm Beach Br- coffee was held at the home of anch of AAUW at the home of Mrs. E. Sharp for Mrs. Tor - Mrs. H. Crabtree, ranee and attended by the new b d b s of the roup Following the luncheon and oar mem er g . a brief business meeting, Mrs_.I H. Gildan, program chairman, introduced Mrs. Torrance, of Orlando who spoke on Fellow- ships, "Ve most unique thing' - - - AAUW does is their fellowships program," said Mrs. Torrance "We are the only group that gives women help in education, - at the graduate level, " she, ' stated. Over 1,500 fellowships have been awarded American women scholars completing I J 1 their Ph. D. s or doing inde- pendent research. In addition I the international grant pro- TM gram brings outstanding women students from foreign countries to the United States for study - • _, and training and gives them the opportunity to observe how Am- erican women live, hoping to aid in world understanding. Mrs, M. Schilling, fellowships chairman closed the meeting with a ques- tion and answer period.• Mrs. W. Sunshine was chair- man of the luncheon and was assisted by Mrs. W. Abbott and _ • # •� Mrs. L. Churchill. �3 Mrs. Harold Beery announ- Cld ,.D x PA a �,, 'yam¢.•- ��* • �.•IT�'~ ` iE -AMP* Itm N a. �.D a t ° 1} f l A� 144 S _ b f y t ` • (14 r: rTl 1••1•••t• •t • 5'\• • • • • � Itat ,0 5 ° t1i...: "Jam �s iE 4� ♦ Ij � f� Y -T— •,��� dal