United Nations program featured at AAUW meet 10-16-61AAUW will fete new members at reception A reception for new mem- bers of the American Associa- tion of University Women, North Palm Beach Branch will be held September 18 at 8 p.m. in the community room of the Com- munity Federal building. All women with a college degree are invited to attend. Further information can be secured by calling Mrs. E.A. Lehman, membership chairman at VI 4-6552. AA UW Group �'Slates Rogers As Simcaker Congressman Paul G. Rogers will speak on "Accomplishrnents of the 87th Congress, Monday at 8p.m. St. John's Lutheran JChurch, Lake Park, at an open - meeting sponsored by the North Palm Beach Branch of American Assn., of University Women. Mrs. Leslie Churchill, legisla- tive chairman, announced at the October general meeting that there also will be a question and answer period led by Mrs. Marshall Benjamin following Rog- ers speech, The public is invited. Preparing for United Nations Day, the international relations study group presented a on the specialized agencies of Lila U n i t e d Nations. Mrs. Albert Strauss, chairman, led the dis- cussion. A report on the 1961 national convention held in Washington, D.C., was given by Mrs. J. E. Obert, president and branch Bele- g ,te to the convention. The high- light. of the convention was the dedication of the $2,000,000, debt free AAUW Educational Center, she said. Mrs. Benjamin, corresponding secretary, announced that the group has sent a letter to Dr. ,Jay Pearson, president of the University of Miami, in support of the proposed branch of . the University in Riviera Beach. Hostesses for the social hour following the program were Mrs, Tom- Hart, Mrs. P. Wooley and Mrs. Hal Tiedemann. j PAUL ROGERS Uni*ted Natil I Is P09y fea ter tu red GAAU W wee x Preparing for United Na- Mrs. tions Marshall Benjamin, .�.,.. Day October 23, the correspondingsecretary - . Palm Beach Branch of pounced Y the American Association of a letter that the group has sent University to Dr. Jay Pearson, tY Women presented a president of the Program on the specialized a University of g- Miami, in Support. . . . . . . . . . . encies of the United Nations at posed branchofthe f the pro - their ,.. ` general meeting held in Riviera ea University Monday night in the Community Plans for Beach. Federal Savings and Loan Buil- far, o he annual book ding. Mrs, Albert Strauss, in- North November- 10-13 at the _ ternational relations study were announced bh Village Hall La - group chairman, directed the' Hue, chairman. Membe s La- bers will program which included a brief solicite the communit coll history o the United Nations a ing used books an y ect- discussion of the GeneralAsse- residents of d reminding mbly /. orld Court, Food and event whichthis annual public ; �,. AgricuI ural Organization and clude d f film is Year will in- UNICEF� r children and a talk by Watson Duncan, drama - The dedication of the two tist and Head of the En 1 million dollar debt free AAUW Languages Department g t P and Educational Center was the Beach Junior Coll e. at Palm highlight of the 1961 biennial Hostesses forg convention . held in hour the social Washington following the program D.C. reported Mrs. J . Edwin were Mrs. Tom g Obert, president and delegate Wooley and Hart, Mrs, p, to the convention, g Mrs. Ha, Tiede- mann. Congressman®g ers slated for talk at Lutheran Church Congressman Paul G. Ro- gers will speak on ''Accom- plishments of the 87th Con- gress"' at 8 p.m, on Monday, October 23, at St. Johns Luth- eran Church, 3rd Street and Cy- press Drive, Lake Park. The North Palm Beach Branch of American Associa- tion of University Women is sponsoring this open meeting which will be under the direc- tion of Mrs. Leslie Churchill, Legislative Chairman. There will be a question and answer period led b r - - y Mrs. Marshall Benjamin, following Congress- man Rogers speech. The public is coordially invited. ens erg and husbands attend ��r � man Paul c� e he Open Mee - ing at whi ola Coxa _ 4W Spo.�Ce found it both enter��. w � �re�s �.m . Churchill introduced ing and Inform€ tivo. ed the speaker* Kane Boxo amin the Question d�A.n s ive onduc t +�d r �es��on fo��o��ing Mr. e-- Ro?er�� � � eco