Books Discussed
Peaceable Lane - Keith Wheeler
The coos- Martin. Mayer
Sheep - 0fil.l iam Lederer
George Kennan
.I�zcs �"'a = League of Women Voters
rea` 7rFoeslden i Decisions - Richard B. Morris
�� oS +o-�-�Ar.�/r��Men an � v exp. �czer�ce .�
James Conant
_ empora ias - �ed3enne--� Cert
Area Cerf
Four contemporary plays edited. Mrs. Howard Campbell, Mr. and by Mrs. William Shick, and a
by Bennett Cerf were discussed Mrs. Keith Cloyed, Mr. and Mrs. year-long study of India., conduct -
at the recent meeting of North Thomas Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Al- ed by 11�rs. Albert Strauss
Palm Beach Branch of the Amer- bert Keller' Mr. and Mrs. Carl were
can Association of University Lingenfelter, Dr, and Mrs. J. Ed- also completed.
Women's couples book group. win Obert, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mrs. Harold Beery, director of
The discussion, led by Mrs. Odesa, Mr, and Mrs, Max Schil- music at North Palm Beach Pri-
Herbert Gildan, followed a picnic ling, Mr, and Mrs. Frederick vate School, and Mrs. Cloyed con -
supper at the home of Mr. and Scribner, Mrs. Aibert Strauss, ducted the final meeting of a mu-
A.t1,U, W. f , Mrs. Harold Tiedemann, 656 King- and Mrs. Lillian Strauss. sic appreciationgroup at the home
The Book Club study group fish Place.The course "Seminars in Art" of Mrs. Cloyed.
of the A.A. U• W • met Sunday Participating were: Mr, and
was recently completed by the art The common market, was the '
evening at the home of Mrs. Mrs. William Abbott, Mr. , and appreciation study group under topic of an outside reading ;Albert Keller on the inlet Rd. � �Vlrs. Frederick Aluisy, Mr, and � p g stud y
the direction of Mrs. Donald Hob- directed by Mrs. Tiedemann.
'Mrs. Thomas Hart led the dis- in. At the final meeting, group
cussion of -the book,
toured Norton Art Gallery, it was
Schools", by Martin Mayer.
j announced.
...;. Other study groups including an
art class in water colors, taught
The A.A.U.W. Book Study s
group met Sunday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max
Schilling, 524 Kin f's
g � h .Road_ .
Mr. Hal T'iedemann led a dis-
cussion of the book, 16Russia
and the West" by George F.
The A.A.U.W, book study
group met Sunday evening with
Dr, and Mrs. J. Edwin Obert,
505 Anchorage Drive. Mr.
.,Y„Y liam T. Batt of Delray Beach
' =r� Irl*��4 Y 4 �, was guest speaker. H is topic
r�'n.S5.�1Fyr��(�a� 3?4 �.'.. .C. • � b ` � 1
Was < < A Common Market”
the book discussed was "Poli-
tics in Trade" , published by
'the League of Women Voters.
r •
l{ ! Mr. Batt who held
has many
governmental position and
served abroad in many official
�� r ��� , c . capacities was a very
�SG..YS f�'CttR,4��4r u'M ttry4}K! G/''.. ���::� ' inter -
1i esting s
• , peaker.
Members of the AAUW Bo._,k,�
r z 4� : T ryz,r �, r, r 3 Study group met Sunday evening
Y {, r+ i •�• .t L.• f 1. Qv1 4 5iyiilp,.r`,, I {Y
at the home of Mr, and -Mrs. C. P
Donald Robin of 508 Bay Road. -
'.x Robin led the discussion of the
book, ''Great Presidential De -
visions" compiled by Richard + # �v' `!, �
B. Morris.
The AAUW Book Study gr-
oup met last sunday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tho
mas Hart. Len Odess reviewed
the book "Modern Men and
Modern Science" by James Co-
The A,A.U,W. Book Club
study group met Sunday even-
ing at the home of Mr, and
, r# 0 Harold J. Tiedemann; 656
Kingfish Place. Mrs. Date Gil-
dan discussed four contem-
porary American plays. Twenty
tight people attended and enjoy-
ed -the outdoor picnic which
was combined with the meeting.
Barbara Abbott, Kate Gilden, j.
Stella Strauss,, ides. Strauss
'-'`reUerlGif ana .eine A.,L't l SYS IX
� - •� � Zn.-� r•fg� �,i m � t'1°� c.�*. � � -� _fie r3•r i t^� r�►
Carl and Edna L!
Ginger and Fred(
Hal_ Tiedemann, I
ssunice Tiedemam