Study GroupsAAUW com lete
course 111 painting
Mrs. W. G. Shick, art are discussed.
teacher at Jupiter High, re- Any interested person may
cently completed instructing a attend the study groups and is
painting study group sponsor- requested to contact the chair-
ed by the North P alm Beach man of the group for further
Branch of American Associa- information.
tion Women. Sixteen area --- - ----
women attended the study group
for ten weekly sessions at wh'
they learned the technique f
using different drawing mater-
ials with figures and still life
as models. In view of the suc-
cess of this class another group
will begin in March, reported :..._
Mrs. Harold Beery, art chair-
Other study groups present-
ly being held include inter-
national relations sponsoring a
study in depth of India. Mrs.
Albert Strauss leads this group'
which meets the third Thursday
Mrs. Harold Beery and Mrs.
Keith Cloyed are conducting al
music appreciation study groupl.
which covers well known com-
posers and their works. The
group meets the second Tues-
day of each month.
An art appreciation study
group meets the first Monday
of each month and under the
leadership of Mrs. Donald Robin
is studying the ` Metroplitan
Museum Seminars in Art''
which covers historical styles
and methods of painting.
Mrs. Albert Keller leads a
book discussion group the forth
Sunday of each month where
current and controversial books I.
--e"A -
The Art Appreciation Study group toured the
Norton Art Gallery on May 10. Some of those
attending are in the picture , Don Robin Willis
Wood, Betty Rob�.n, Fraaan Tull no., Martyr Conover,
Beverly Alfredson, Helen Shick, Mary Moore, Sue
Hel.on Schield s "Painting C-vassrt (wouse� ,� �.uotos becauso ita
really a �.ra�r�.n-'romm.�.ifo class) � �.� finished w s
its 1.4►-�wQe�
Another series of 10 e�,assos isco��slo�
- p�.�.nn.ed to start �.n March* Al..
thoh many more at t ended int o rmi t t ons
diligent i l those who woro tho most
Peg Allo.
B o qt t Fra -
,. r axT u l l
no s Ors Marilyn Woo
B;oly sCarlson Louise Nomura Charlotto BurrowsClad Groll The lma Martha
0 g an i ar ha
Liz Kobush oodnor
Loo Pabst_ Bott Robin
Ethel Kohl, �
D ..In
AAUW com lete
course 111 painting
Mrs. W. G. Shick, art are discussed.
teacher at Jupiter High, re- Any interested person may
cently completed instructing a attend the study groups and is
painting study group sponsor- requested to contact the chair-
ed by the North P alm Beach man of the group for further
Branch of American Associa- information.
tion Women. Sixteen area --- - ----
women attended the study group
for ten weekly sessions at wh'
they learned the technique f
using different drawing mater-
ials with figures and still life
as models. In view of the suc-
cess of this class another group
will begin in March, reported :..._
Mrs. Harold Beery, art chair-
Other study groups present-
ly being held include inter-
national relations sponsoring a
study in depth of India. Mrs.
Albert Strauss leads this group'
which meets the third Thursday
Mrs. Harold Beery and Mrs.
Keith Cloyed are conducting al
music appreciation study groupl.
which covers well known com-
posers and their works. The
group meets the second Tues-
day of each month.
An art appreciation study
group meets the first Monday
of each month and under the
leadership of Mrs. Donald Robin
is studying the ` Metroplitan
Museum Seminars in Art''
which covers historical styles
and methods of painting.
Mrs. Albert Keller leads a
book discussion group the forth
Sunday of each month where
current and controversial books I.
--e"A -
The Art Appreciation Study group toured the
Norton Art Gallery on May 10. Some of those
attending are in the picture , Don Robin Willis
Wood, Betty Rob�.n, Fraaan Tull no., Martyr Conover,
Beverly Alfredson, Helen Shick, Mary Moore, Sue
Hel.on Schield s "Painting C-vassrt (wouse� ,� �.uotos becauso ita
really a �.ra�r�.n-'romm.�.ifo class) � �.� finished w s
its 1.4►-�wQe�
Another series of 10 e�,assos isco��slo�
- p�.�.nn.ed to start �.n March* Al..
thoh many more at t ended int o rmi t t ons
diligent i l those who woro tho most
Peg Allo.
B o qt t Fra -
,. r axT u l l
no s Ors Marilyn Woo
B;oly sCarlson Louise Nomura Charlotto BurrowsClad Groll The lma Martha
0 g an i ar ha
Liz Kobush oodnor
Loo Pabst_ Bott Robin
Ethel Kohl, �