State Board Luncheon 1-20-62Favors -- l rs. Claude David Pro&ram - Mrs. Frank Schwan Mrs, Jake Dowerman Publ-icity - Mrs. Herbert Brozik Telephone Mrs. Marvin Black AMERICAN i-LSSUCI.TION OF UNIVERSITY WCMEN STATE BOARD LUNCHEON Pa; e ant Room Hollywood Beach Hotel. 12:00 Noon -- Saturday, January 20s 1962 P R 0 G R I -L M ..Nw ="* � W" NW- Presikn& - Mrs. J. E. Hoyal, president, Hollywood Branch Invocation - Mrs. Claude David, past president, Hollywood Branch Introduction of Special Guests Music - "Sweet 'teens it :ouch Broward HiLh School Introduction of Speaker - Mrs. H.H. Torrance Speaker "Practical Implications of Proposed Chane s" x%rn-,r.,- Fishkzr, fc,-rmer Chmn. cf Ccmrrdttoo c)n By -Laws and Building Planning Committee "Hats Off" - Mrs. Betty Smith