School Board Airs U.N. Contest Ban (PBP)SIH. "'y,• �..' _
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(nntral LionS club hears oru,ffram
m -mon Market
Lhargeon Euro ean Com
Palm Bmch Post Staff � NORTH PALM BEACH --A Steak House in West Palm Beach Pearson, lion tamer; Floyd
panel of members of t- ortl� Installing officer was Jerry .Hopkins and John Kearney, two
The question of wwhether l �y_a..�
el r Palm -Bea ch AmericanAssocia-_ Doyle, International Counselor year directors; Dr. Albert St-
or riot topermit county a ti�.2� of University Women gave of West Palm Beach. Principal gauss, Ralph Cohn, Dean speaker was Admiral Richard rer and e subMau--
a program on thject "T�e ,John Turnbull, oneyear
high school pupils t� par � _ _ �.�__. _�---:.�. ._... -- �.:� ---- - ,-----__.__
European Common Market, at Tuggle, US, Naw; retired and directors.
tic1 ate in the controversial----
Tast ri�hi sWednesda now Town Manaer of Hobe
United Nations essay conCOMIM),11le-',meeting' of the North Palm Sound.
tent has been taken, tinder
Beach Lions las Officers installed included;
____ Edwin rt, resident;
advisement by the Palm.Send
Special guests were ;hiss Dr. J. p
Lynn Butler and Tom Futch, Howard Campbell, first vice
Beach County Board of ' recent High School graduates, president; Joseph Immordino,
o AA'U'N Meet.who were awarded scholar- second. vice president; the Rev.
Public Instruction. ships to Palm Beach Junior Spencer Aungst, third vice pre -
After hearingproponents and
p p College. sident; Carl Eil.ers, secretary;
opponents of the contest speak Recently the club held its Les Churchill, assistant secre-
t:heir views Wednesday at Palml Several local clubs have banned Fifth Annual Installation of tart'; Les Zerniko, treasurer;
Beach Nigh School auditorium, together to send a delegate to the Officers banquet at Frederick's "Pally Paras, tailtwister, Guy
Board C h a, i r man Thurmond 12th annual conference of t he
Knight announced the board American Association for t he ;I
would give the matter thorough United Nations to be held in
study. Knight added he did not Washington March 11-13.
CXpect a, decision by -the Nov. 22, Mrs. J. R. Gardner and Mrs. f
board meeting due to the large F. C. McKenzie are coordinators y;
quantity of information the board of the project, and John Ogden, '
wishes to .review before reaching Balm Beach, is treasurer. Mrs'. Buell
a docision. The delegate will be chosen ! -- - -- ---.-- — -- -
from nominations of the partici-
The contest, which. offer � Meet,. gating clubs, and will be called ;I)elegate prizes to high school pupils �;-ho
submit the best: answers to on later to report on the confer-, Mrs. Alii � -
s proga,m
questions on the United Nations once to the groupse Buell, home service 1
and write essays on certain. o To date nine clubs have joined' director of the Florida PublicI or ra uate. study
connected subjects, turas banned in the effort, They are Altrusa ,, Utilities, has been chosen dele-!
h Palm Beach Branch': ate to file 12th annual con 9
by board action two years ago. � pw�.i---��.�----- ---auc g
AA aim Beach County Chap.- Terence of . National Organizations; A program of graduate stu- cant program will be initiated
73W,y The current. review of the ban ter AAUN, B'nai B'rith Lodge, of the United Natio s, 1Viarch dY through which mature Coll- over a three --year period in
was requesAff ted try the local chap- B'nai B'rith Woman, Palm I 11-13. g y qualify p
e e women ma uali them- eleven southern states including
ter of the American Association' Beach County Federation of La - Ten local organizations arecoT selves for teaching,, research, Florida
for the United Nations which bor, League of Women Voters, I operating in sending a, single dele- I or administration in higher ed -
Designed to add fully-quali-
sponsored -the contest in the conn- �! Hadassah, and Soroptimist, gate to represent this communi- � enation was announced by the fieri women to the nation's re-
They ask that upis be al -1,! _ ty. American Association of Uni- sources of collo
p The general theme of the con ge faculty, the
lowed to participate in the con-' 66 Mrs. Buell is a native of New ; versity Women educational Fo- program will not only help to
p� P Terence is UAN Decade of Del p g
b y velopment. Other topics will be I, undation in Washington, g
test: through the schools, if. they �� York State and holds a xnasters � gt D C . relieve the acute shortage of
Financed b a 2
Own, wish to do so, and, if they have discussed such as "A Disarmed degree in home economics from, Y $ 25,000 grant trained college personnel, but
the written consent of their pat- � World With Law," "A World With- Syracuse University. She became from the Rockefeller Brothers will provide unusual opportunity
ant.. >> associated with the utilities firm Fund, this nationally signifi- for women to embark on a pro -
Wa.nts�ce d "A World with ; --- - - - ----- fessional career in higher ed -
Social Ju in 1956, and shortly after became g u
Treading the assault upon the Featured speakers will include a member of the Soroptimist ° cation.
b:jn, attorney B. F. Paty com= UN Ambassador Adlai E. Steven- I Club, She has served as secretary, Approximately fifty candi-
tnented that he thinks "students Ivice president a.nd resident of dates, thirtshould have the xi ht to ante son; Sen. Joseph Clark; Paul G,,P thirty-five years of age
g r the club. or older, who hold the bachelors
Hoffman, managing director, UN
the contest if they want to," ' The following are sponsoring or masters degree, will be
asid branded the ban as "an at- ! Special Fund; Harlan Cleveland, ,the delegate, forth Palm
selected each
„ assistant secretary of state, Wal- m Beach ch year for further
to-nipt .at thought control, ?� : —AUW, Palm Beach Count education in one of the coo
ter Ruther labor leader; Norman ----- County, i tin r pera-
AAUN A l t r u s a 8'nai B'rith g graduate schools.
Others speaking for lifting of j Cousins, editor of Saturday Re- �3 .
view and Andrew Cordier, re- Lodge, B nai B'rith Women, ! The first group under the
the ban were Mrs. Beatrice League of Women Voters, Palin. program will enroll in e
titin undersecreta UN. S ptem-
Wes, representative of the Lea g ry, Beach County Federation of La.- Their 1962. Inquiries should be
gue of Women Voters and . Mrs
..rsbor, Hadassah, Pilot Club and (addressed to Dr. Eleanor F.
Thomas Hart:, r-uresentative of I Soroptimist. ' ;Dolan,
the�Northam each Branch of Mrs Bu 2401 Virginia Avenue,
. ell will leave today and N.W., Washington, 7, D.C. Ad-
Amerlcan Association c n - return Tuesday evening. l ? ditional information may also
the !be
yversi . Women obtained from Mrs.
Both women indicated their or
win Obert, president of the
gan)zations wished to see pup l-s,RIoca� branch.
given freedom of choice on *.he
foro thy; R.. r�� _rd,
5.., �..e .5.� L.� 4,,,r .� y� �' " read.
r f" r� �, .�� G� s� �++ � , j y `�.� �yv� aR. �
F� y �l..b iii � � �r, ��,±�..�. Ca,. a7 � ►�, `� aJ�ii��d M �„! �O#,�,� !.J v•� bks �'�� 1 ��,L.� right �� I � "1
` <:� � � �1�, � -- '- � igh of studonts
Nations � sSa conies ir,. awl -M Bosch Cott °
. � .� r P �- ' 'Y 0 n °r ho Ln t 0 ,