Post Times editor guest speaker at University Women's installation. 4d.-
UNIVERSITY WOMEN INSTALL--Newly elected officers of the North Palm Beach'Branch of
the American Association of University Women are shown following; installation cerem-
onies at a banquet held Monday night at Frederick's Steak House. Seated left to right are;
Mrs. Herbert Gildan, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J. Edwin Obert, g
G. Shick, first vice president, standing, same order, JMrs, president; Mrs, W.
resident, L. G. Van Duzee, second vice
president; Mrs. Lewis Emerson, dinner chairman; Mrs. H. H. Crabtree, treasurer; Mrs,*'
Thomas Hart, installing officer,. Mrs. William Abbott, recording secretary. Staff Photo
by Nunn)
Post 'Times ed,ito,r ....guest 'ker
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spea .
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at University
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Officers of the North Palm Beach Branch of the American enforcement, giving active su -
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Association of University Wom- ort, financial and otherwise, for
en were installed at a dinner education so that our future gen-
meeting at Fredric's Steak Ho- erations will be the best infor-
!, use Monday evening. med in the world and instill
Mrs. J. Edwin Obert, pres old fashioned patriotism in all
ident, presided at the meeting and citizens. "These things will not
introduced Mrs. Thomas, Hart, come to pass by themselves, we
installing officer, who installed can and will do it, ;" said Allen.
Mrs. William Shick as first Vice Mrs. Lewis Emerson was
President, Mrs. L. G. Van Duzee chairman of the dinner and was
as second vice president and Mrs assisted by Mrs. Rildo Garell,
,H. H. Crabtree as treasurer for Mrs. Ralph Huls, Mrs. C. Donald
the coming two years. Susta- Robin and Mrs. William Sunshine,
ining officers are Mrs. Obert,
Mrs. William Abbott, recording
secretary and Mrs. Herbert Gil-
dan, corresponding secretary.
The invocation was given by
Mrs. Abbott. Following dinner
Mrs. Gildan introduced the guest
speaker, Hal Allen, editor in
Chief of the Palm Beach Post
Times who spoke on` `The Enemy
Within'' . Allen said that although
many people- feel international
communism is the greatest sing-
+ le . danger facing our nation, the
enemy from the . inside is what
we really- have to fear. )"The
greatest danger to our nation is
apathy,''he said.
Allen said that since our na-
tion faces this great danger from
the, outside we must present a
united front, we must putour in-
ternal house in order. He sugg-
ested tht we accomplish these
objectives by voting, conducting
a campaign on organized vice
and crime, demanding fair law