NPJB University Women attend fall conventionA M E R I C A N A S S 0 C I A T 1 0 N
0 F
U N I V E R S I T Y W 0 M E N
01 A ik
11 IF/I
tie `0" --do,
Sarasota, Florida
'Art Center of Florida'
THE LANDMARK August 25-26, 1961
Saturday, August 26th is the data of an AAUN 11.14orkshop to be hold
in Sarasota* Placo--Landmark Hotel, Lido Beach, Sarasota. The
National Associate in Arts will bo there, and the theme is "The
Arts and jj*A*U,!1e are Moving; Are You?" The Board meeting for
Presidents is Friday evening, and the workshop starts at break-
fast Saturday morning, so for all practical -purposes, the dates
are really the 25 and 26th. Ono of our Art chairmen., Dorit Beery,
will definitely attend. Others are tentatively planning, so if
you would like to get away from it all and profit by the occassion
as well, call Kato Gildan immediately. Each member is invited and
Un it W1
NP B iN urs
end fall conv.......tion
. The North Palrn Heach f3r.- tion of University "'omen.
inch of American Association The theme of the workshop
of University Women rriet at was ''The Arts dnd AA[ -;W' are
the J�all Workshop of the Ho- Moving -are you?''
rida Division, August 25 and The first meeting of the
26th, in Saraso'ta. 1961-62 year will be held
MrS. J. L. Obert, presi- September 18th at the Com -
dent, announced that Mrs. Ed- munity I-ederal Saving and
ward M. Sharp, past president Loan Association Building. All
of the North Palm Reach f3ra- interested persons may con-
nch, has been appointed f-,duc- tact Mrs.
h. A. Lehman,
ation Chairman of the I-lorida membership chairman at
Division of American Associa- V1 4-6552,
SARASOTA 1.TV0RKSH0P-_Do r1*t Beery
The AAM7 f all workshop Bogan with
a poolside breakfast at the Land.
mark Hotel early Saturday* By
8:30 wo were listening to short
roports from tho Washington Con.
vention. These were followed by
panel discussions on AA` IV Mlem-
bership and IkIcaningsa We divid-
od into "Buzz" groups to bring
up questions pertaining to mom-
borship . The women in our group
soomed concerned with intcgr.e--,t-
ing the new members with tho
ftold" (?)* They seemed to agree
that small coffees, etc* afforded
good opportunities for members
to become botter acquainted.
Aftor a coffee break we at-*
tondod an Art -Qarticination ses.
sion .1-,-od by Miss Mary Averett
Soelye. Her sugjoct--Explorinc
ourselves in the Arts* She em-
phasizod the fact that the arts
should sharpen your intellect,
strengthen your indi-7—idualisr.q
............. P
and 4widen your vision,
The ane ating closed with a
lunchoon whoro Mr. Frank Srpith,
a leading architect in Sarasota*'
spoke on Architecturo in Florlda;l
past, prosent; future. His tall-i-
wassupDlenentodiva'.thinterest ing,4
slidos of architoctural master.
pieces and monstrosities.
Saturday, August 26th is the data of an AAUN 11.14orkshop to be hold
in Sarasota* Placo--Landmark Hotel, Lido Beach, Sarasota. The
National Associate in Arts will bo there, and the theme is "The
Arts and jj*A*U,!1e are Moving; Are You?" The Board meeting for
Presidents is Friday evening, and the workshop starts at break-
fast Saturday morning, so for all practical -purposes, the dates
are really the 25 and 26th. Ono of our Art chairmen., Dorit Beery,
will definitely attend. Others are tentatively planning, so if
you would like to get away from it all and profit by the occassion
as well, call Kato Gildan immediately. Each member is invited and
Un it W1
NP B iN urs
end fall conv.......tion
. The North Palrn Heach f3r.- tion of University "'omen.
inch of American Association The theme of the workshop
of University Women rriet at was ''The Arts dnd AA[ -;W' are
the J�all Workshop of the Ho- Moving -are you?''
rida Division, August 25 and The first meeting of the
26th, in Saraso'ta. 1961-62 year will be held
MrS. J. L. Obert, presi- September 18th at the Com -
dent, announced that Mrs. Ed- munity I-ederal Saving and
ward M. Sharp, past president Loan Association Building. All
of the North Palm Reach f3ra- interested persons may con-
nch, has been appointed f-,duc- tact Mrs.
h. A. Lehman,
ation Chairman of the I-lorida membership chairman at
Division of American Associa- V1 4-6552,
SARASOTA 1.TV0RKSH0P-_Do r1*t Beery
The AAM7 f all workshop Bogan with
a poolside breakfast at the Land.
mark Hotel early Saturday* By
8:30 wo were listening to short
roports from tho Washington Con.
vention. These were followed by
panel discussions on AA` IV Mlem-
bership and IkIcaningsa We divid-
od into "Buzz" groups to bring
up questions pertaining to mom-
borship . The women in our group
soomed concerned with intcgr.e--,t-
ing the new members with tho
ftold" (?)* They seemed to agree
that small coffees, etc* afforded
good opportunities for members
to become botter acquainted.
Aftor a coffee break we at-*
tondod an Art -Qarticination ses.
sion .1-,-od by Miss Mary Averett
Soelye. Her sugjoct--Explorinc
ourselves in the Arts* She em-
phasizod the fact that the arts
should sharpen your intellect,
strengthen your indi-7—idualisr.q
............. P
and 4widen your vision,
The ane ating closed with a
lunchoon whoro Mr. Frank Srpith,
a leading architect in Sarasota*'
spoke on Architecturo in Florlda;l
past, prosent; future. His tall-i-
wassupDlenentodiva'.thinterest ing,4
slidos of architoctural master.
pieces and monstrosities.