NPB University Women continue study of Japan 3-19-62lUniversityWomen
hear talk on
Japanese art
The North Palm Beach Br-
anch of the American Assodia-
tion of University Women met
on Monday evening at the Com-
munity room of the Community
Federal Savings and LoanAsso-
Iciation in Riviera Beach.
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Soker
of Fort Lauderdale spoke to the
group about Japanese art and
music. The Sokers spent sever-
al years in Japan as Methodist
missionaries and had a wealth
of information concerning the
culture of. that country. Mrs, f
Soker enhanced the program by
singing two Japanese songs,
and they both were dressed in
the orinetal kimono. Mrs.
Herbert G ildan introduced the
After the talk the group was
served refreshments by Mrs.
William Shick, Mrs. H. Lewis
and Mrs. Foster Stough, hos-
tesses for the evening. Next
month the AAUW will continue
its study of Japan and will be
concerned with the economics
and politics of that country.
Feb. 1,-7 17bzIV
NPB U* t
Women continue
,stud of apan
Continuing a study of Japan, meeting. Mrs. L. G. Van Duzee
the North Palm Beach Branch was elected 1st Vice President,
of the American Association of Mrs. William Shick, 2nd Vice `
University Women met at President and Mrs. H. Crab -
Community Federal Savings and tree, treasurer. Mrs. William (�
Loan Association Building Mon- Sunshine announced that the Ap- ;!
day night. The study of Japan ril meeting will be a luncheon
was begun when the Rev. and at the home of Mrs. H. Crab -
Mrs, R. Soka, Methodist miss- tree on April 14, where the
ionaries presently residing in Florida Division President,
Ft. Lauderdale but in Japan for Mrs. H. R. Torrence will be
six years spoke to the group last honored guest and speak to the
month on the cuture and music members on " What Fellowship
of Japan. Means to Us,"
William Abbott opened the Mrs. Van Duzee, Mrs. D.
meeting with a series of slides Jones and Mrs. C.. Thomas
taken by him and Mrs. Abbott were hostesses for the social
during their 1960 visit to Japan hour which followed the meet -
and the Far East. Mrs. Herbert ing•
Gildan introduced Branch mem-
bers who had made a compre-
hensive study of Japan and a
brief history of the country.
Schintoism was discussed by =
Mrs. Foster Stough, Buddhism
M g �
by Mrs. William Abbott, the
present political situation by
Mrs. Albert Strauss, trade
policies by Mrs, R. L. Ziller, I
education by Mrs. William Shick
and the status of women in Ja-
pan by Mrs. L. Van Duzee.
Election were held during
the business portion of the
AAUW Honors _ Torrance
Mrs. H. R. Torrance, president the home of Mrs, H. H, Crabtree,
of the Florida Division of the 1041 Coral Way, Palm Beach
American Association of Univer- Isles,
city Women, was a guest at a rem Following the luncheon and brief
cent luncheon given by the North business meeting, Mrs. Herbert
Palm. Beach Branch, AAUW, at Gildan, program chairman, intro-
j duced Mrs. Torrance of Orlando'
who spoke on fellowships,
"The most unique thing AAUXV '
'does is its fellowship program,"
said Mrs. Torrance. "NA7e are the i
only group that gives women help I
in education at the graduate lev-
el. 19
She stated that more than 1,500
fellowships h a v e been awarded
American women scholars con�a- �
pleting their doctorate degrees or
doing independent research,
Mrs. Torrance added that the
international g r a n t program
brings outstanding women stu-
dents from forelgn countries to
the United States for study and
training, hoping to aid in world
Mrs. Max Schilling, fellowship
chairman, closed the meeting with i
a question and answer period.
Mrs. William Sunshine, lunch-
eon chairman, was assisted by
Mrs. William Abbott and Mrs. L. j
O. Churchill, !!
Mrs. Harold Beery announced j
that the May meeting will be a I
musicale in her home, 516 Bay I
Road, North Palm. Beach. Meng -1
bers and their husbands are in- r
vited to attend.
New board members att pded
a%, coffee for Mrs. Torrance at the
home cif Mrs, RM. Sharp, 53 5
Ki gfish Road, Nom Palm Beach
Preceding tMe luncheon,