NP AAUW Announces Book FairAltottflu:nces Book Fi
Post -Times Staff
The North Palm Beach brancl
of the American Association o
University Women has announce(
that the second annual Book Fat
will be held November 10 througl
, the 13. The Fair will again take
place at the North Palm Beacl
Village :Hall.
. Mrs. Phillip La Hue, chairmai
of the project, says that a larg(
supply of both new and use(
books will be on display an(
,available for sale during th(
In addition to the sale of
new and used books, the Fair,
which opens at i p.m. Friday
Nov. 10, i -will offer entertain-
ment for book lovers of all
The public is invited to visit
and select books, and hear Wat.
son Duncan, dramatist and teach•
er of literature at Palm Beaef
Junior College. the subject o:,
Duncan's talk at 8 p.m, is "ThE
Magic of Books."
All children are invited to Fug:
Day at the Fair on Saturday,
Nov. 11, from 9 a°m. to 4 p. m,
Entertainment for them include6
a puppet show and a storytelling
hour. The children will receive
free tickets to a colored filen,
"Treasure Island," which will be
shown from 4 p.m, to 5.30 p.m.
at the Faith Lutheran Church on
Ebbtide 'Road. Marshall Benjamin
will be in charge of the film
show. .
Th 11 � °
courtesy of the Three Arts Book books may call Mrs. Van Duzee
More, 5109 S. Dinie Highway, at 848-7518 or Mrs. William Ab -
West Palm Beach. bott at VI 8-1056•
The A.A.U.W. Book Fair was The Book Fair will have hours
well attended in 1960," Mrs. La from 7 a.m. to 10 on Nov. j
Hue pointed out, `land we ex- 10; 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Nov.
pect to serve an even larger 11; 2 p.m. to 6 p.m, on Nov. 12;
number of book -lovers this year." and 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. on Nov,
Anyone wishing to contribute 13.
An outstanding entertain- hed in color and the story is 5:30 p.m. at the FaithLutheran .
ment feature of the North Palm familiar to young readers, who Church, Ebbtide Rd„ and US #1
Beach AAUW Book Fair, will for many years have enjoyed in North Palm Beach. This Walt
be the showing of Treasure Is- the Robert Louis Stevenson Disney roduction of `Treasure
land. The film is a full length classic. The film will be shown y,p•
feature presentation photograp- Saturday Nov. 11 from 4:00 to Island is a chilling and thrill-
. adaptation of the book, with
British actors John Newton and
. Bobby Driscoll in the leading
- rolls. This exciting adventure
movies is recommended for
Ul North
children 8 through 14. .�
Free tickets for the film will
P I ibe presented to all young people
AA U Irv,
participating in the Book. Fair
® activities. Boys and girls may00 t
reve Is B k F ir P1 contribute books -for the used
book sale, or buy the new ones
F1which will be on display, Nov:
10 through 13. The Book Fair . `
eco _action of used books for
resale at the Fair is under the
The North Palm Beach
hours from 7.00 to 10.00 to serve an even larger number
° p.m, g
will be held at the North Palm
direction of Mrs. L. G. Van I
Branch of the American Asso-
on Friday,Nov. 10th; 9.00 a• m, of book lovers this year. Rem--
Beach `Pillage Hall, A large
Duzee. A.A.U.W. members
ciation of University Women
to 4:00 .m. on Saturday, ember
p Stu day, Nov, that special activztes
attendance of both children- and
call at all homes in the village
announced that the second an-
11th ; 2:00 p.m, to 6:00 p•m, on have been planned for the child_
,adults is expected. .
this week to collect the used
nual Book :Fair(- will be held
Sunday, Nov. 12th; a en."
Y and 9.00 a.m. fi
The Fair begins on Friday,,,
books. Many kinds of books, in-
November 10th through Novem-
ber 13th. The Fair will again
to 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Nov. _ _ _
13th. — --
evening Nov. 10 at 7:00 p.m,
A talk will be heard at 8:00 P.M.
eluding paper -bask and chil-
dren's books,
take place a the North Palm
The collection of used books
Nov. 10 entitled "The Magic of
are required.
Beach Village Hall,
for resale at the Fair is under
Books" Mr. Watson Duncan, of
The Book Fair offers an
ideal opportunity for people in
Mrs. Phillip LaHue, chair-
the direction of Mrs. L. G. Van
the Palm Beach Junior College
our area to see what new and
of the project, statedthat a-Duzee.
A,A.U.W, members will
is the guest speaker. Mr. Dun-
interesting books are available,' I
9 E
large su,)ply of both new and
call at all
t the homes in the
Village the week of October
can is well known o
in our area
as a dramatist and teacher of
La Hue said, "The wide �
selection of ideal Christmas gift g
used bool<. will be seen at the
Fair. Books for both adults and
23rd to collect the use d books.
books for children will include the j
children will be on display and
Many kinds of books, including
A very large selection of new''.
..latest titles, the classics, the All 1
available for sale during the
pa perbac paperbacks and children's
books are wanted Ano
bock s i w'1 1 be seen at the Fair..
Ideal books for Christmas iv
About books, Landmark Books,
Beginners Series books, Golden
Fair. In addition to the sale of
new and usedbooks, the Fair
wishing t o contribut books may
ing will be found amoung th
and Giant Golden books, and the
this year will offer outstanding
call Mrs. L. G. Van Duzze t
Dr. Suess collection for child=
Wonderful World series."
entertainment for book lovers
or Mrs. Willi
amAbbott at VI 8-105b. �
ren, and All About Books, The
Wonderful World Series and
On display for adults will be
of all ages. On Friday evening,
November 10, the Fair will
The Book Fair offers an ,
the Giant Golden Series. _
G e S ies. Adults
many important and best -sell-
officially open at 7:00 p•m•
ideal opportunity for people in
will be pleased to examine the
ing books of 1961. The art
The public is invited. to come
our area to see what new and
sample reference library which
boobs' prints and records that
in and select books, and to hear
interesting books are availavle
will be on display. The Y will
will be displayed for sale are
at the Fair by
Watson Duncan, dramatist and
Mrs. La Hue said. The wide
also find the current Best Sel-
teacher of literature at Palm
of ideal. Christmas _
Classics and Reprints in
Beach Junior College. The sub-
gift books for children will in-
quality paperbacks, as well as ; ._,_..;
ject of M r. Duncan's talks is
elude the latest titles, the class-
books about Florida. Art prints
"The Magic of Books". He will
ics, the All about series, Land-
and records will be on sale at
speak at 8:00 p.m.
makr Books, Beginners Series
the Fair by courtesy of the 3
All children are invited to
books,Golden and Gaint Golden
Arts Book Store. Any person -
Fun Day at the Fair on Satur-
books, and the Wonderful World
wishing to contribute used books
day, November 11th, from 9:00
series. On display for adults
for the Fair may contact Mrs......,
a.m, to 4:00 p,m, Entertainment
will be man important
p nt and
L. G. Van uzee a 8
D t 48-7518.
features on Saturday include a
best selling
g books of 1961°
puppet show and a storytelling
There will be the _..:... ;..4
e classics, re------------
prints in
hour. Free tickets to the color-
quality paperbacks
ed film, ''Treasure Island"
.ind special collections of home u,:.
will be given to all children pa -
Mefreence books and books abou t _
rticipating in the Fiar. The
film will be shown from 4:00
The art books, prints and
P.m. to 5:30 p.m., November
records that will be displayed
11th, at the Faith lutheran
for sale are offered at the Fair .
Church on Ebbtide goad. Mar-
by the courtesy of the 'Three
shall Benjamin will be in charge
Bok Arts o
� Show.
of the film.
The AAUW Book Fair was
The Book Fiar, which
well attended in 1960", Mrs.
covers four days, will. have
La Hue stated, ''and we expect