Mrs. Obert Resumes AAUW Presidency---.......... ---- '.�A.• '1'. xv,1 {' .•• ••::: •: i ;' J: :µ. •.•1I:•: :'' ': :.'.•: • • •{ • ::.': 1.-;•:• }• ........... ..... :: :.. ...... ..:.: { .{ :•: }: 1' .l' :•h':•::::: ' :: :': ':': :•'.':•:.•:•. :• :•J J: ':W.•::::::. �:.'.' e JJ .SOC\!K....................'....'::: X.N. J.: :�:: •.:::.Y.1 :f•'•.. ::.: :f ..... ..... . ..... ..... ......... •. { ' •Nh .. .. J ........ ... ti• .•'' ti x ::••. ...... . ............ I ....... .... I ........ ....... .......... ................ * ......... .....:: '::....... NEW OFFICERS OF NORTH PALM BEACH AAIJI E` Newly elected officers of the North Palm Peach Branch of the American Association of University Women are pictured at the Monday installation dinner at Frederic's Steak House. officers include: (seated from l.) Mrs. e Lie G. VanDuzee, second vice president; Mrs. J. Edwin Obert, president and Mrs. W. G. Shick, first vice president (standing left) Mrs. H. H. Crab- tree, treasurer and Mrs. Thomas Hart, installlnq officer. : Photo bCharles Wiese rs, i ® AAUW Presi emAkcy Mrs. J. Edwin Obert was re- nation. `The enemy from the in - installed president of the North side ' is what we really, have to Palm. Beach branch of the Arneria fear,' a g' danger e greatest an er to our na- :., ..:.• .,_ :,, x. can Association of University tion is apathy, he said. Women Monday at a dinner at To combat outside dangers we Frederic°s steak House. must present a united front by Mrs. Thomas Hart, installing voting, demanding fair lave en -1 officer, also inducted Mrs. Wil- forcement and educating future lia-m chick, first vice president, generations, he continued. Mrs. L. G. Van Duzee, second , Mrs, Lewis Emerson, dinner l. vice president; and Mrs. H. H. chairman, was assisted by Mrs.1 Crabtree, treasurer. Rildo Garel_l, Mrs. Ralph Hulls, I Other sustaining officers a r e Mrs. C. Donald Robin and Mrs. � Mrs. William Abbott, recording William sunshine, secretary, and Mrs. Herbert Coil- The invocation was given by dan, corresponding .secretary, who Mrs. Abbott. introduced Hal Allen, editor -in_ _ chief of The Palm Beach Post -1 ' Times, as guest %peakerA Allen, chosing . as his s p e e c h; topic, "The Enemy Within," said that although, many people feel In terns tional core 5 -- um rn is t h e ,greatest single danger facing the