Letter to Thelma Obert from Rep. Paul Rogers, N.C. 11-10-61PAUL G. ROGERS 6TH DISTRICT, FLORIDA ROOM 111, HOUSE OFFICE BLDG. HOME ADDRESS: WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Box 2.91. COMMITTEE: INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE Con,ft-re5s; SUBCOMMITTEES: of the a�I ,e tat HEALTH AND SAFETY SPECIAL SUBCOMMITTEE ON 30jouf�e jot Aepraentatibo REGULATORY AGENCIES '1 obingtont ;Do C♦ FILE REF.: A&.L November 1.0, 1961 Mrs, Edwin 0bert 505 Anchorage give k North. Palm Beach, Florida Dean Madame President: I want to thank you again for the many courtesies extended to me by the North Palm Beach Association of Universi. ty women. It was indeed an honor and a pleasure to meet with your fine organization and Z appreciated having the opportunity to address the members thereof* Kind regards and all good. wishes, so nc e re ly yAurs r Afi . PAL G. ROGERS C* PGS. * s rp r` R