Floirda Division Fall workshop program (Art Center of Florida) August 25-26, 1961Wc`son Duncan will lecture at North Palm A\14\UW Book Fair The North Palm Beacl: Special entertainment acti_. Branch of the American Asso- vities as well as appropriate ciation of University Women ,books will be offered for child - announces that Watson Duncan ren this year. All children of the Palm E3each j unior Col particiapting in the Fair will lege will speak at the opening receive free tickets admitting evening of the second Annual them to the showing of Trear- Book Fair. sure Island - an outstanding Mr. Duncan, who is well film classic for children, photo. - known to our area as a dram- graphed in color. The showing atist and teacher of literature will be on Saturday afternoon, ' at the Junior College, has chos- November 11, from 4:00 to ; en "The Magic of Books" for 5:30 at the Faith Lutheran his topic. This theme is ideal :�hurch, Ebbtide Road and U.S. as a keynote for the Fiar, which �1 in the Village of North Palm ii will be held November 10 3each. through November 13 at the Used books have been coli - North Palm Beach Village Hall. acted from the area for resale. Mr. Duncan's address will be Uhey include many subjects and at 800 p.m. on Friday Novem- (aper back selections as well as - - ber 10. ,hildren's books. Anyonewish- The public is invited to ng to contribute used books for participate in the opening of the he Fair should call Mrs. L. Fair, where an outstanding col- 'an Duzee, 848-7518 or Mrs. lection of children's and adult's Villiam Abbott V1 8-1056. books will be displayed for sale.., In addition to a selection of M-7 {new and k used books, s , the Fair, .... - - will. offer Art Prints and Re- f cords by the courtesy of the ;Three Arts- Book Store. BOOK FAIRsaaareport bar Ch .j rman Kati.o La,11 0 j M..r.r..w.,.. '.s Kq� varm personal than1Ls to all A .A .0 .W. members who worked and bought brooks at the fair. You made our Book Fd:r a three way suc-- c e s s -o --the children an ' he comnvan.iter end oyed. anad sup Ported the fat' rr.00we ourselves worked hard and spent generously for bookswo» acid the public has seen the A.A. oW* perform a fine community ser- vice a.11 Incidently, y, we like the money we made also. Statistically speakin'r, here is the 1961 Book Fair Sto r7� Finances Gross Receipts 0655.42 Total Expenses 439911 ( is f (r . movie Gross Profits 255x75 and promotion) Net Profit 16.51 Entertainment Attendance at Magic of Boo�ksi' ��- arprox. 40 It 8t 'Treasure Island" 44 550chi.ldren it II puppet Shoe an *W �` go It _ Storytolling. A constant stream vA th 15 to 20 por story, Books Sold Books Sale Profit 500 Used (approx) 1 .'7.26 $117.26 131 Childrent s (now) 265a 1.5 79.54 51 Adult (now) 250. 6 60.72 2 Total number of books sold* We di splayed approximately 800 used books6'00 which you collected, and. ab ou:$2000* worth of new books, or some books, of which we i sold 180. 1 Behind these beautiful statistics on books sold and Drofit, wero -the brains and,/Ehe musc le s � the time anc�t he money of our entire branche Thanks for all the equipment loan,.edand hauled, books you collected and c arra.ad , words written and- spoken., door bells rung a posters painted, husbands imposed upon, children entertained on Fair Day, and the books you bought and sold* Special thank; to the o ri rr �ina 1 Book Fair Committee for bnthusi astic planning and quality book selection. r r)?. nA 17 � � �