Annual Report 1961-1962tIERIC, N ,LSSOULTION OF Ul"TrI1,123ITZ
NORUT! P,,'J!%Ti B 11 BR,�NCII
.��nual Report 1.961 - 1962
.. GMUR.41, I\E.!�,'TINGS
New and prospoctive mombC-nrs were honored at thC3., 6optombor mooting* Program
and study group plans worC; discussed.
A symposium on Spocializod W�cncics of tho Unitjod Nations was prosontod by tho
International violations Cm=ittoo in Octobore
1fire %,atson' Duncan from tho Palm Boach Yunior Col1.,,:,4Pc Lectured on tho IrIlia6ic of
Books." on tho oponlinL,,- night of tho Book Fair in I\Tov(,,mb(;-r.
In Docombor, a Christmas dinner danco was onjoyod by mombora and husbands*
toa was, civon for high school girls in .1anuary. panel of momborz disoussed
typos Of coil ocos and tho importance of collo6c oducation.
Ro-vorend and Mrs. Robort Soka 6,navc- a prog,,r,,.-za on Xapancsci ,,art and Music at tho
Fobruary racoting.
Tho study of Xapan continued in Mnxch. "' panol of morabara discussed RoliGion,
Trado, _:education, Status of -Womon and tho current Political Situation -6
1�� s# 1H. Re Torrcnco was guest spoakor at tho followships luncheon in ,,^,,.pri1*
Th,c, L'Itay raooting waa a music to planned by tho Fino *xts Chairn, cn pork of tho
Painting Group was on oxhibit,
The 'annual installation dinnor �ill bo hold Juno 4th, JvLr. Hal Edi for
of tho P,--dn, Boach Post-Timas -Taill spo!_*.4%.k.
Tho Coup1c3 Book Group m,. -.-t oach month a -ad usually discussed current non -fictions
Tho vmnaul picnic wao hold in May.
Tho ..xt Study Group offorod the course "Sominars in ,,xt1f Tho fineal niocting, was
P7 '�
, tour of tho Norton ,,rt Gallory in '�,Ost P3.1n, Boach.
Two ton-wook painting clasoos wore taught by a naomboxe Tho autumn group workod
in charcoal -and pastols and the spring class studiod wator colors.
Tho Intornational Rolations Group mot monthly and studiod India* Thoy sont
maGazinas to NaEpur, India,
Tho I'lusic -uppro ci ation Group riot throo timos, was onjoyod and wzoll attondod.
Tho Latr�islativij Chaimaan hold a mooting to study logialation supported by
Us kw e and to discuss tho fate of tho so racliasurcs in tho 87th Coneross.
Pago 2
Tho Social and Z"Iconoraics Issuos Chairman conducted an outside-roadinp, study of
tho Coi-mon L,'I'arkot. Participants mn..,t to discuss findinGs at the lond of thoir
ro so arch*
Book Fair was hk-ild on Novombor 10 and 11. 6pproxiriatoly 800 usod md 500 n,^, -w
books worc display 4. 682 of thoso woro sold with a profit of X216. In addition
to thio Lecture on Friday nl*L,5-,ht for adultsy story tollirg, and puppet shows for
youn-, children co -aid the fila "Troasure Island" for oldor ono wore providod on
0,:.4.turd ay. Tho entire Branch participatodp tho cormiunity supported tho Fair and
the public saw A.. U. 'Wo porfom a fino corxmi4ity servicoe
special and opon mooting was held at which Congrossman Paul Go Rogcrs spoko
on 11.,.a-ccompli-shnmts of the 87th Congress." Tho r,;oetinG- was informpative and,
W011 rocoivad*
Tho Branch cooporatod with other cormunity groups to send a represontativo to
*,a shiric,-ton, Do Ce to attond the congoranco of National Organizations supportinG
tha Unitod M---itions.
1,,n 4�4
.4., * Ue "Wo reprosentativo appoarod before tho PaPaleBoach County Borax
0. of
Public Instruction to support tho right of students to enter tho United Nations
Essay Contest*
The; Branch cooperated with the Riviora Boach Chamber of Ommxrco in helping
circulato quostionnaires to survey the nood for a University of 14im-li oxtonsion
in this area.
The Pro sidont repro sentod X"uo U. 1-i',* at a two day stato-wide Conference on
�,6in- hold in k�Qst Palm, Beach in November..
Tho Follow -ships contribution was ")J50 (,),312 par capita.)
;% news bulletin was issuod monthly.
The President roportod on tho National Convention in %washineton in the TU1Y
Branch yearbook and a Floridaerso
orida Division .7dandbook was givon to all mon
1%,6 Library CormAttee coil octod inforr.iation, intorviewod officials, studiod and
discussed ways of solviag tho public library sorvico void in the northern Palm
13cach, area. Results of this study have boon raixiaoGraphed for nomber and
comunity use. 'k'%'ork will continue and a Plan of A,,,ction -t7ill be presented to
tho membership and to the canamnity*
No,, members were invited to the February Board mcetirAC, which was act up as an
orientation raeetinr,, by the 11amborship Chairman.
Mrs. :Z and Sharp served as U.'ementary cm -d Secondary 'Q"ducation Chairma on tho
Florida Division Board of Diroctorso
Palo 3
Two norabors attanftor..'. tho Division 'area -.iorkshop in Fort Lauderdalo. lArso Sharp
was on tho program.
The '410 4.* Us 14'* Collo.,-e Faculty Pro- rer., has boon publicizod thruout tho arca.
londinG, -library tablo with .440 A'&* Us 1;# niaterials was sot up at b-oner,-,%l
rao 0 t "L nG s *
The Branch Historian kopt, a scrapbook to rocord Branch hi story.
Tho JIVIass Media Chairman lista-et rocormiendee, TV pro�xmas in each nows bulletin*
The Publicity Chairraan has had roports of all niactintr-s published in local
no T,7SP,'1PG:r So
profit of .moo 0 was made on onf,,-cCenont calendars that i7ara sold*
Tho Hospitality Chairr.Dm ane, 1wr hostossos proviCled ro-froshnonts for all
concral raectintso
�OL,IINI 372.4,6TI ON.
Tho Board of Diroctors riot oach raonthe
I1b osent,
1ho moraborship nizabors 48, which is ton Liorc than last yoare Mor. orsOpr
.44.0 C0110GOS.
The iLrts Chairman reprosantod tho Branch at the Division workshop in Of-larasota
in �,,u-ust and tho Prosie-ont, attondod the Tanuary Division Board r.looting in
Hollywood in ;anuaryo
It has been can honor to bo your Rrosiaont. I dooply approciato tho splondid
cooporation of all Board ancl. Branch rioriberso
Thelma js. Obort, Atosidont
North Pala Boach Branch