AAUW ready for Book FairC �2
North pa]
N.W VillaSc H,
U,W,, iNNU,�L BOOK FKiIR at tt-In
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"Thc Ma,--f--ic of Bookst? a to 11;*_ by Watson Duncan, dramatist
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FUN DilY IS CHILDREENIS D-4sY_ `aT. Nov 11 frow, 9 4
tf-A A storytcllin".) puppets
-t�xcc—rin,-r cjrcu�"'witla books
and a movie Trr- a 3 Ur 121 land
e a n u r . c Isl�ndlll" a fiin- in calor, will bc shOwn for
all chIldrcn with fr-c tick is -ivcn
at th-. fair for books purchaoscd, old
books con tributcd or brin,, C) -in:-. parents
to the fair. Timl!;c: 4:00 5:30 at
Faith LuttiCran Church
Salc_&, hou'rs Will extend thrwl-rh Sun,, 2' 6- p.m. ��nd Mon., 9
-1 :. 1 -T - CD ULTIZ RECE IVED, For ocl1cctim
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A feature of the North Palm
Beach AAUW Book Fair will be
the full length color movie pres
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en tation of "Treasure Island,
Robert Louis Stevenson's immor-
tal pirate story.
The film will be shown Satur-
day Nov. 11 from 4 p.m. to 5:30
P.M. at Faith Lutheran Church,
Ebbtide Road and U.S. 1, in North
Palm Beach, It is a Walt Disney
-adaptation of the famous novel,
with British actors John Newton
READYING BOOKS FOR FAIR Members of the North Palm Branch Of the American Associa-
tion of University Women are shown readying books for their annual Book Fair scheduled for
and Bobby Driscoll in the leading
Nov. 10 through 13 at the North Palm Beach Village Hall. They are from left to right, Mrs.
Ralph Huls, Mrs. David R. Jones, Mrs. Philip LaHue, book fair chairman, Mrs. Edward Sharp
Free -tickets will be presented
and Mrs. Lowell an Duzee, chairman of the used book collection. (Staff photo by Rena Nlunn)
to a.11 young people participating
in book fair activities. Boys and
girls may contribute books for the
November 10 through 13 at North Pa Im Beach Village Hall:
Used book sale, or buy the neNv
ones which will be on display Nov.
10 through 13.
MUM r i r
A large attendance of both chil-
dren and adults is expected ati
the fair, which will be held at
the North Palm Beach Village
The first collections Of Hall. paperbacks. The books will be
The book fair opens on Friday,
I used books for the Book Fair, A World Book Encyclopedia ideal for Christmas gifts.
Nov. 10, at 7 p.m. with a lecture
being sponsored by the North complete and in excellent con-
by Watson B. Duncan III on the
Palm Beach Branch of Ameri- dition, copywrited in 1945, is T -1k. r i
Palm-- �e' Nov
"Magic of Books." Duncan. is a
can Association of University among •the contributions. Bids
dramatist and literature teacher
Women, were gratefully re- will be taken on the World
10 COME to the Fair. North Palm Beach Branch
ceived, according to Mrs. L. Books and will be sold to the 141=1
at Palm Beach Junior College.
A large selection of new books'
Van Duzee, chairman of the hiorhest bidder. Prices on used
used book collection®
AAUW wIll have its second annual Book Fair No'�.7. 1.0-13
Palm Beach Village Hall. Mrs Phillip La
will be seen at the fair, and ideal
Mrs. Van Duzee said she, books will start at ten cents
with most of the books selling
at the North
Hue is chairman.
l i
Christmas giving will be,
found among the Dr. Seu ss Col -
will contiue to receive calls for 25 cents.
In addition to selling boobsboth old and new to folk
for children which consist,
and dispatch collectors to
anyone wishing to contribute both old and young) there.11 be entertainment for all
The new book collection
the "All About" books, the
Wonderful World Series and the
books for the annual fair sla- for adults and children will a g e
Giant Golden Series. Adults may
ted for Nov. 10 through .13, at include a wide variety of 1961 epelllrll,�_r is -Nov". io -at 7 Pj ca -_q. M,
n. Watson- r"..
examine the sample reference li-
the North Palm Beach Village books, classics and quality, literatllre-, teancher a t Palm Beach Junior Coln
brary on display.
dramna wid
will spepth on "The Magic- of ]GqOks� 91 at 8 P.M.
The current best sellers, class-
ics and reprints in quality paper -
Saturday,. Nov. 11 wIll be Fun Dai, for the children
backs, as well as books about
frc�m 9 a.m. to 4, p.m. a puppet show and story hocur
Florida, will also be on display.
ilm "Treasure Isldnd."
-arid free tickets- to thefi color
Any person wishing to confri-
be own from to 5:630 p.m- at the Faith
used books for the Fair may
The flim will sh
Ebbtlde 'Rd.) with Mart;h8dl Benjamin
contact Mrs. L. G. Van Duzee at
Lutheran Church
Mrs.. L. G, Van Duzec is n charge of the collection
of used books for re -Sale at the fair.