AAUW holds area workshop; Two NP AAUW members attend workshopSix Florida Branches Ftp Lauderdale Gulfstream - Hollywood Miami - N,, Palm Beach - Palm Beach November 11, 1961 The Reef Restaurant 2700 South Andrews Avenue Ft. Laude rdale g Fla,, r l 1 3 Two North Palm YTW AAU rk "Olds, z4ffrA%o_.1..0 wo shop: A AW" mema t. s j -The Florida Division of the American Assn. of University Thompson and Mrs. Alan S. Rush of the Palm Beach County Mrs, Rush, division secreta introduced i', � attend Women held an area workshop at Branch.viewed the speaker and reA "The Code of Ethics for; 1 the Reef, Fort Lauderdale, Satur- Area D includes Fort Lauder- Volunteers." Mrs, o Harold Beery and day. Miss Miss Mary Rose Heilman, Pres- dale, Miami, Hollywood, Palm Beach, North Palm. Beach and Mrs. s, Nicholass Hcxclsdon Miami described "The Code � , Mrs. Edward Sharr p represent - ed the North Palm Beach Br- ident of the Fort Lauderdale branch, was chairman the Gulf Stream branches. of Procedure for h „ a the Florida Division. anch of American Association of ; work, shop, assisted by Mrs. J. L. Hoyal, Boone,ter breakfast, Lalia Phipps Ph. D., workshop coordin® Following a luncheon there was of tiniversity Women at a workshop m p eeting Saturday at president of the Holly wood branch, Mrs. P a t i e n c ator, discussed "Searchlight. m" a panel discussion based on "AAUW the Reel in Ft. Lauderdale. ` - eProgram." AAUV� Philosophy and Program, r Branch Orbits of Inter - of the,orkshop SeS� , Dr. Thr. Boone, associate professor of est." Members of the panel were sion was ` `Searchlighting AAUW English, at the University of Flor- Mrs, H. M. McCormick, status of � Phi® soppy and Program,' 1 da singe 194.9, has written many women chairman; Mrs. Edward i Mrs . Sharp, division elemen - fextbooks. She won first place M. Sharp, North Palm .Beach E tary and education chairman, award, Technical Articles, Na.- elementary and secondary educa- participated in a panel discus- tional League of American P'en .r'.w...,,...r_,..sion tion chairman • Mrs. Wirt Peters based on ` `AAUW ranch B morn en, 1954 and is listed in international relations chairman, I Orbits of Interest." r `Who's Who of American Worn- andMrs. Patience Thompson, ; Miss Mary Rose Heilman, en" legislative chairman. president of the Fort Lauder- _ dale Branch, was chairman of the workshop.