AA University Women invite students to teaAAUW
hold dance
The North Palm Beach Br-
anch of the American Associa-
tion of University Women held
a Christmas dinner dance hon-
roing th. husbands on Friday
evening December 8, The secne
of the affair was the Royal
Palm Beach Inn, Southern Boul-
evard, west of the Parkway.
Thirty couples were in attend-
ance. Mrs. Albert Keller was
in charge of arrangements.
Cocktails were served from
6:30 after which dinner singing
and dancing were enjoyed. Mrs.
J. .Edwin Obert, President of the
Association in North Palm
Beach announced that the Jan-
uary meeting will be a tea given
for the junior and senior girls
of Riviera Beach and Jupiter
High Schools. Mrs. Eugene Le-
hman, who is in charge of t his
program plans a panel discus-
sion by the members. The panel
will discuss a variety of in-
formation on schools and col-
leges, for the benefit of the
young women who will be gra-
duating from high school and
who plan to continue their
education. "The High School
Tea is an annual activity of the
North Palm Beach AAUW, "Mrs
Obert explained. "It is planned
as a service to the young wo-
men who wish to pursue their
education at colleges and uni-
........ ......
AA' Universi
• •ty Women
• •d' t
invite st e ' n s to te
Junior and senior girls from at St. John's Lutheran Church Mrs. Eugene Lehmann, ch -
Riviera Beach and Jupiter High in Lake Park. The tea will be airman of the tea, announced
Schools interested in attending sponsored by the North Palm that there will be a panel dis-
college are invited to attend a Beach Branch of American As- cussion of questions most fre-
tea at 3 p.m. Sunday an. 14 sociation of University Women.
----�.�•• 9 �l lquently asked by teen agers
looking for the right college.
Mrs. H. Crabtree, Mrs. L. Ian
Duzee, Mrs. R. Huls, Mrs. F.
Stough, Mrs. K. Cloyed, Mrs.
A. Keller and Mrs. W. Sun- "
shine will participate in the
panel discussion which will in-
clude such topics as large
versus small colleges, speci-
alization versus liberal arts,
career possiblities, the im-
portance of college for a wife,
a mother, a member of the
community and the social im-
plications of college.
Following the panel discus- .
sion there will be an open ques-
tion and answer period. The
students will have an opportun-
ity to talk to members about
their colleges while refresh-
ments are being served.
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